FieldBase class | QSYS API Reference Guide

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Provides common methods for DdsFields and DdsConstants.

Namespace: ASNA.QSys.Expo.Tags Assembly: ASNA.QSys.Expo.Tags.dll

Inheritance: Object –> TagHelper


A FieldBase is used by tag Helpers that may be bound to a Model field.

As an abstract class it cannot be used directly.

The FieldBase is the class that implements all the common behavior for the rest of the DdsXXXFields:

DdsConstant, DdsCharField, DdsDecField, DdsDateField, DdsDecDateField,



Type Name Description
Boolean AutoPostBack Gets or sets boolean value to indicate that input-capable field should post-back the form as soon as user enters a value.
AidKey AutoPostBackKey Gets or sets the Aid Key that should be posted. Defaults to AidKey.Unknown which prevents automatic post-back.
Int32 Col Gets or sets a value that indicates horizontal position for field/constant within the page. Valid values start at 1 typically up to 132.
String Color Gets or sets a value that indicates the conditional expression string that evaluates to a Web named color. Conditions are separated by comma. Depend on conditional indicators.
Int32 ColSpan Gets or sets a value that indicates the amount of positions used by field/constant. Default is zero, meaning: compute element length.
String Comment Gets or sets the text used to document the Field/Constant. Used as comment, does not render as HTML.
DdsFileTagHelper ddsFile Gets or sets a value indicating the associated DdsFile tag helper for the field/constant.
Byte DisplayAttrCode Gets or sets hex Display attribute code indicating the legacy P-field Display Attribute code.
String InvertFontColors Gets or sets conditional expression string that determines if background and foreground colors should be switched. Render equivalent to legacy Reverse-Image display attribute.
LeftPadOption LeftPad Gets or sets a LeftPadOption value indicating how to pad values after changing the value of an input-capable field.
String MandatoryEnter Gets or sets conditional expression string that determines if field input is mandatory. Mandatory Enter fields without value change will avoid the form submission.
Boolean MandatoryFill Gets or sets a value that determines if filling up a field is mandatory. Mandatory Fill fields need to use the whole field length. The form will not be submitted until all fields are filled.
Int32 TabIndex Gets or sets a value indicating that its element can be focused, and where it participates in sequential keyboard navigation (usually with the Tab key, hence the name).
String Underline Gets or sets conditional expression string that determines if text should be underlined. Underline is rendered as a bottom-border CSS style.
String VisibleCondition Gets or sets conditional expression string that determines if field/constant is visible. Non-visible fields/constants are not rendered.


Signature Description
IsVisible() Gets a value that indicates if element should be rendered.

bool IsVisible()

Gets a value that indicates if element should be rendered.

bool IsVisible()