DdsFileTagHelper class | QSYS API Reference Guide

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Renders the Monarch Base Application’s Active records along with Active Aid Keys.

Namespace: ASNA.QSys.Expo.Tags Assembly: ASNA.QSys.Expo.Tags.dll

Inheritance: Object –> TagHelper


There is one - and only one - DdsFile Tag Helper on a Display Page.

The DdsFile is the placeholder for the Display Page. It is the parent element for the rest of the DdsXXX Tag Helpers.

The following is the basic Razor Page element markup structure that defines a Display Page:

<form method="post">>
    <DdsFile DisplayPageModel="Model">

        <DdsFunctionKeys />

        <main role="main" >
            <DdsSubfileControl For="Record_1">...</DdsSubfileControl>
            <DdsRecord For="Record_2">...</DdsRecord>
            <DdsRecord For="Record_3">...</DdsRecord>
            <DdsRecord For="Record_n">...</DdsRecord>
            <DdsMessagePanel />

The Application controls which of the DdsRecords (including any DdsSubfileControl) are active at a time. The same can be said for the active Function keys.

Only the active DdsRecords are rendered when the Display Page is presented to the user inside the Browser’s form.

Notice the Razor page meta-data at the top of the .cshtml file:


Which indicates that file MYPAGENAME.cshtml.cs defines the instance of the class MYPAGENAME which derives from DisplayPageModel

By convention the model file has the name MYPAGENAME.cshtml.cs with content similar to this:

namespace MyCompany.MyApplication.ApplicationViews
        DisplayPage(FunctionKeys = "F3 03"),
        ExportSource(CCSID = 37)
    public class MYPAGENAME : DisplayPageModel

Where all the DdsRecords are defined.


Type Name Description
DisplayPageModel DisplayPageModel Gets the Active Page Model.
String KeyNames Gets or sets the display key name collection for the File. Key names are separated by semicolon.
Decimal LengthMonoFontAdjustmentFactor Gets or sets factor value applied to the calculation of grid-field ending positions. Typically a reduction factor required to adjust widths due to the use of Proportional fonts, replacing legacy Monospaced fonts.
Int32 MinRows Gets or sets the minimum Rows that will be rendered to define the minimum Page height. Corresponds to the legacy DDS DSPSIZ


Signature Description
Init(TagHelperContext) Initializes the ITagHelper with the given context.
ProcessAsync(TagHelperContext, TagHelperOutput) Asynchronously executes the TagHelper with the given context and output.

void Init(TagHelperContext context)

Initializes the ITagHelper with the given context.

void Init(TagHelperContext context)


Type Parameter name Description
TagHelperContext context Contains information associated with the current HTML tag.

Task ProcessAsync(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output)

Asynchronously executes the TagHelper with the given context and output.

Task ProcessAsync(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output)


Type Parameter name Description
TagHelperContext context Contains information associated with the current HTML tag.
TagHelperOutput output A stateful HTML element used to generate an HTML tag.


Type Description
Task A Task that on completion updates the output.