DdsDecFieldTagHelper class | QSYS API Reference Guide

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Defines an input element where numbers can be typed using a keyboard. The captured value will be posted as the value entered into a field.

Namespace: ASNA.QSys.Expo.Tags Assembly: ASNA.QSys.Expo.Tags.dll

Inheritance: Object –> TagHelper –> FieldBase –> DdsFieldBase


To define a Fixed Decimal field, use the DdsDecField Tag Helper.

For example, the following markup defines a decimal element for the field SFCUSTNO in the CUSTREC record (defined in the Model).

<div Row="5">
    <DdsDecField Col="27" For="CUSTREC.SFCUSTNO" Color="DarkBlue" EditCode="Z" Comment="CUSTOMER NUMBER" />
public class SFLC_Model : SubfileControlModel
    public List<SFL1_Model> SFL1 { get; set; } = new List<SFL1_Model>();

    public class SFL1_Model : SubfileRecordModel
        [Dec(6, 0)]
        public decimal SFCUSTNO { get; private set; } // CUSTOMER NUMBER


Note that field SFCUSTNO has a fixed length of six with zero decimal positions.

The Z edit code removes the sign (plus or minus) from a numeric field and suppresses leading zeros.


Type Name Description
DecAttribute DecAttribute Gets the DecAttribute from the Model.
EditCodes EditCode Gets or sets the EditCodes keyword from the Model.
String EditWord Gets or sets the value that indicates the EditWord from the Model.
FieldAttribute FieldAttribute Gets the FieldAttribute from the Model.
Boolean LimitMaxDigits Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to set a limit on the maximum digits allowed to be typed on the field. When true, the maximum characters allowed will be set to the Digits attribute.
String ValuesText Gets or sets a value that describes valid display values. Each text description is single-quoted. List is comma separated. ValuesText can be used to display the field as a dropdown box.
String ValuesTextOptionSeparator Gets or sets the string that will be used to separate Value and Text for ValuesText. Defaults to not prepend values to ValuesText.