DdsFieldBase class | QSYS API Reference Guide

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Provides common methods for DdsFields.

Namespace: ASNA.QSys.Expo.Tags Assembly: ASNA.QSys.Expo.Tags.dll

Inheritance: Object –> TagHelper –> FieldBase


A FieldBase is used by tag Helpers that may be bound to a Model field.

As an abstract class it cannot be used directly. The FieldBase is the class that implements all the common behavior for the rest of the DdsXXXFields:

DdsConstant, DdsCharField, DdsDecField, DdsDateField, DdsDecDateField,



Type Name Description
ConditionalProperty ErrorMessage Gets or sets a value that indicates conditional property describing the Error Message.
ConditionalProperty ErrorMessageId Gets or sets a value that indicates conditional property describing the Error Message ID.
FieldAttribute FieldAttribute When overriden in a derived class, gets a value that indicates the Field Attribute.
String FieldName Gets the name of the Field.
ModelExpression For Gets or sets a value that indicates the Model associated with the Mvc tag helper.
String PositionCursor Gets or sets a value that indicates the conditional expression string determining if the cursor should be positioned to this input-capable field.
FieldUsages Usage Gets or sets a value that indicates the Field Usage.
ValuesAttribute ValuesAttribute Gets the ValuesAttribute from the Model.
String VirtualRowCol Gets or sets a value that indicates the legacy row, col position that the logic may be expecting to identify. Format is ‘Row,Col’. May not represent the current position of the tag helper.


Signature Description
ProcessDdsField(TagHelperContext, TagHelperOutput) When overriden in a derived class, method is called by rendering engine to write the HTML output.
ProcessValues(TagHelperOutput, String&, String, String) Process Display Values.

void ProcessDdsField(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output)

When overriden in a derived class, method is called by rendering engine to write the HTML output.

void ProcessDdsField(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output)


Type Parameter name Description
TagHelperContext context Tag Helper context.
TagHelperOutput output Tag Helper output.

bool ProcessValues(TagHelperOutput output, String& gridColumnStyle, string valuesText, string valuesTextOptionSeparator)

Process Display Values.

bool ProcessValues(TagHelperOutput output, String& gridColumnStyle, string valuesText, string valuesTextOptionSeparator)


Type Parameter name Description
TagHelperOutput output Class used to represent the output of a input-capable DdsField.
String& gridColumnStyle Reference to the string value used for the Grid-column style.
String valuesText Lists valid display values. Each text description is single-quoted. List is comma separated.
String valuesTextOptionSeparator String used to separate Value and Text for valuesText. Use null or empty to not use Values.


Type Description