DdsSubfileControlTagHelper class

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Defines a Subfile Controller element

Namespace: ASNA.QSys.Expo.Tags Assembly: ASNA.QSys.Expo.Tags.dll

Inheritance: Object –> TagHelper –> RecordBaseTagHelper –> DdsRecordTagHelper


A DdsSubfileControl Tag Helper is a specialized DdsRecord that may contain a Subfile Record. A Subfile Record is defined as a collection of DdsSubfileRecord Tag Helpers, nested DdsSubfileControl using a specified range of DIV rows, in as shown in the example code bellow).

The following markup shows the specification of DdsSubfileControl named “SFLC”. As any other DdsRecord Tag Helper, DdsSubfileControl Tag Helper may contain DdsConstants and DdsFields and up to one Subfile (collection of DdsSubfileRecords).

    int SFLC_SubfilePage = 10;
<DdsSubfileControl For="SFLC" KeyNames="ENTER 'Enter'; F6 'Add'; PageUp; PageDown;" SubfilePage="@SFLC_SubfilePage" CueCurrentRecord=true ClickSetsCurrentRecord=true>
    <div Row="1">
        <DdsConstant Col="2" Text=@System.Environment.UserName />
        <DdsConstant Col="33+1" Text="M5 Order Inquiry" Color="DarkBlue" />
        <DdsConstant Col="64+1" Text=@DateTime.Today.ToString(@"MM\/ dd\/ yy") />
        <DdsConstant Col="73+1" Text=@DateTime.Now.ToString("HH: mm: ss") />
    <div Row="3">
        <DdsConstant Col="2" Text="Customer:" />
        <DdsCharField Col="12+1" For="SFLC.SCRCUST" Upper=true Comment="CUSTOMER NBR AND NAME" />
    <div Row="4">
        <DdsConstant Col="2" Text="Phone...:" />
        <DdsCharField Col="12+1" For="SFLC.SCRPHONE" Upper=true />
        <DdsConstant Col="36+1" Text="Address:" />
        <DdsCharField Col="45+1" For="SFLC.CMADDR1" Upper=true />
    <div Row="5">
        <DdsConstant Col="2" Text="Fax.....:" />
        <DdsCharField Col="12+1" For="SFLC.SCRFAX" Upper=true Comment="FAX NUMBER" />
        <DdsCharField Col="45+1" For="SFLC.CMADDR2" Upper=true />
    <div Row="6">
        <DdsConstant Col="2" Text="Status..:" />
        <DdsCharField Col="12+1" For="SFLC.CMACTIVE" Upper=true />
        <DdsCharField Col="45+1" For="SFLC.CMCITY" Upper=true />
    <div Row="7">
        <DdsCharField Col="45+1" For="SFLC.CMSTATE" Upper=true />
        <DdsCharField Col="48+1" For="SFLC.CMPOSTCODE" Upper=true />
    <div Row="8">
        <DdsConstant Col="2" Text="Options:" Color="Blue" />
    <div Row="9">
        <DdsConstant Col="3+1" Text="2=Update hdr  3=Update line items  6=Print" Color="Blue" />
        <DdsConstant Col="50+1" Text="Position to order:" />
        <DdsDecField Col="69+1" For="SFLC.SETORDNUM" VirtualRowCol="9,69" EditCode="Z" tabIndex=5 />
    <div Row="11">
        <DdsConstant Col="2" Text="Sel" Color="DarkBlue"  />
        <DdsConstant Col="7+1" Text="Order Nbr" Color="DarkBlue"  />
        <DdsConstant Col="19+1" Text="Order Date" Color="DarkBlue"  />
        <DdsConstant Col="30+1" Text="Ship Date" Color="DarkBlue"  />
        <DdsConstant Col="41+1" Text="Delv. Date" Color="DarkBlue"  />
        <DdsConstant Col="52+1" Text="Order Total" Color="DarkBlue"  />
        <DdsConstant Col="71+1" Text="Stat" Color="DarkBlue"  />
        <DdsConstant Col="76+1" Text="Via" Color="DarkBlue"  />
    <div Row="12" RowSpan="@SFLC_SubfilePage">
        @for (int rrn=0; rrn < Model.SFLC.SFL1.Count; rrn++)
            int row = 12 + rrn;
            <DdsSubfileRecord RecordNumber="rrn" For="SFLC.SFL1">


Type Name Description
Boolean ClickSetsCurrentRecord Gets or sets a value that indicates if the current record should be set by a mouse click (or finger tap)
Boolean CueCurrentRecord Gets or sets a value that indicates if the current record in the Subfile should be highlighted as the pointer hovers over the subfile.
String DblClickKey Gets or sets a value that indicates the name of the Aid Key to be “pressed” prior to submitting the page, if user double-clicks at the record.
String DblClickTargetField Gets or sets a value that indicates the name of a record field where the cursor will be positioned prior to submitting the page, if user double-clicks at the record.
String DblClickTargetValue Gets or sets a value that indicates the value to be set to of a record field prior to submitting the page, if user double-clicks at the record.
ConditionalProperty ErrorMessage Gets or sets a value of a ConditionalProperty associated with an error message.
ConditionalProperty ErrorMessageId Gets or sets a value of a ConditionalProperty associated with an error message ID.
AidKey SflDropKey Gets or sets a value of the Aid Key that will trigger the subfile to drop fields on display records (only the.
AidKey SflFoldKey Gets or sets a value of the Aid Key that will trigger the subfile to fold fields on display records.
Boolean ShowRecordAtTop Gets or sets a value that indicates that record with indicated “rrn” should be displayed as the first record on the subfile .
Int32 ShowRecordNumber Gets or sets a value that indicates the page that should be visible to guarantee that the “rrn” indicated is displayed (when the subfile has more than one page’s worth of records).
Boolean ShowRecordWithCursor Gets or sets a value that indicates the page that should be visible to guarantee that record with the cursor is displayed (when the subfile has more than one page’s worth of records).
String SubfileDrop Gets or sets the Conditional Indicator Expression that determines when subfile-drop display mode is active.
String SubfileEnd Gets or sets a value of the conditional expression that determines if the subfile contains the records of the last page.
String SubfileEndTextOff Gets or sets a value of the label displayed by subfile when there are more ore records (not in last page)
String SubfileEndTextOn Gets or sets a value of the label displayed by subfile when there are no records (last page)
String SubfileFold Gets or sets the Conditional Indicator Expression that determines when subfile-fold display mode is active.
Int32 SubfilePage Gets or sets the Page value


Signature Description
IsSubfileFolded(TagHelperExecutionContext) Determines if records in the subfile are folded, as opposed to truncated.

bool IsSubfileFolded(TagHelperExecutionContext executionContext)

Determines if records in the subfile are folded, as opposed to truncated.

bool IsSubfileFolded(TagHelperExecutionContext executionContext)


Type Parameter name Description
TagHelperExecutionContext executionContext  


Type Description
Boolean true if the records in the subfile are folded.