DisplayPageModel class | QSYS API Reference Guide

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Defines a specialized YellowPageModel class to provide support for fields in Records with data from the DataSet

Namespace: ASNA.QSys.Expo.Model Assembly: ASNA.QSys.Expo.Model.dll

Inheritance: Object –> PageModel –> YellowPageModel


Record Model classes have a member instance of DisplayPageModel to provide support for data in the DataSet.

For example, the following CUSTREC Record Model definition:

public class CUSTREC_Model : RecordModel
    private string CSRREC
        get => CursorLocationFormatName;
        set { }

    private string CSRFLD
        get => CursorLocationFieldName;
        set { }

Is the implementation for the Legacy DDS RTNCSRLOC.

With the following Legacy DDS Record specification lines:

0076.00     A          R CUSTREC                                                       080401
0083.00     A                                      RTNCSRLOC(&CSRREC &CSRFLD)          080401

Which specify that the location of the Cursor (record-name and row-and-column values) should be copied to hidden fields in CUSTREC Model class, named CSRREC and CSRFLD.

When a Page is posted, the DataSet is loaded with feedback information (from posted data) and the instance of DisplayPageModel is updated, such that when the Logic Project’s fields (such as CSRREC and CSRFLD) get populated, they will have the updated values from the recent user interaction.


Name Description
DisplayPageModel() Initializes a new instance of the DisplayPageModel class


Initializes a new instance of the DisplayPageModel class



Type Name Description
AidProperty AttnKeys Gets an array of AidProperty Attention values, as defined in the Page Model. Attention Aid keys do not post data.
String CursorLocationFieldName Gets a value that indicating the name of field where the Cursor was last located on the Page.
String CursorLocationFormatName Gets a value that indicating the name of the format where the Cursor was last located on the Page.
AidProperty FuncKeys Gets an array of AidProperty Function values, as defined in the Page Model.
Boolean InputDataAvailable Provides a mechanism to override the input data available state.
String StarDate Gets the current day formatted as *DATE
String StarSystemName Gets the System Name formatted as *SYSTEMDATE
String StarTime Gets the current time formatted as *TIME
String StarUserName Gets the User Name formatted as *USER
Boolean UserDataIsInvalid Gets a value indicating if the data entered by user is valid.
List<String> ValidationErrorList Gets a collection of validation error messages
Boolean ValidationErrorsFound Gets a value indicating the existence of validation errors.


Signature Description
ApplyEditCode(Decimal, Int32, Int32, EditCodes) Formats value according to the provided EditCode
ApplyEditWord(Decimal, Int32, Int32, String) Formats value according to the provided EditWord
ClearModelProperties() Resets all records properties to their default values.
DumpModelPropertiesToDataSet() Updates the Dataset byc copying the field values from the Model properties
GetAidKeyType(AidKey) Gets a value that represents the code for the type of Aid key. ‘A’ for attention, ‘F’ for function.
GetDataRow(String) Gets the first DataRow from the DataTable with the given formatName from the active DataSet.
GetDataTable(String) Gets the DataTable with the format name given from the active Dataset.
GetHasBeenRead() Gets value that indicates Workstation Dataset status
GetLastRecordModelWritten() Gets a value that indicates the last RecordModel written by the application logic.
GetMessageText(String, String, Int32, String) Gets the message text from the external message file. Message files are external XML resources.
GetSubfileDataRow(String, Int32) Gets the first DataRow from the DataTable with the given subfile formatName from the active DataSet.
IsKeyEnabled(AidKey) Gets the state of the requested AidKey.
LoadFeedbackValues() Populates the Feedback values on the Active DisplayFile from posted data.
LoadModelPropertiesFromDataSet(Boolean) Refreshes the Model properties by loading values from the active Dataset
LoadModelStateErrors() Populates the collection of validation errors.
SelectMyAction(Boolean) Selects the appropriate action to format a response Page.
SetResponseIndicators() Sets the response indicators in the Dataset from the Display page attributes.

string ApplyEditCode(decimal numeric, int length, int decimals, EditCodes editCode)

Formats value according to the provided EditCode

string ApplyEditCode(decimal numeric, int length, int decimals, EditCodes editCode)


Type Parameter name Description
Decimal numeric input decimal value
Int32 length field length
Int32 decimals field decimal positions
EditCodes editCode EditCodes enumeration value


Type Description
String the formatted value as string

string ApplyEditWord(decimal numeric, int length, int decimals, string editWord)

Formats value according to the provided EditWord

string ApplyEditWord(decimal numeric, int length, int decimals, string editWord)


Type Parameter name Description
Decimal numeric input decimal value
Int32 length field length
Int32 decimals field decimal positions
String editWord EditWord specification


Type Description
String the formatted value as string

void ClearModelProperties()

Resets all records properties to their default values.

void ClearModelProperties()

void DumpModelPropertiesToDataSet()

Updates the Dataset byc copying the field values from the Model properties

void DumpModelPropertiesToDataSet()

char GetAidKeyType(AidKey key)

Gets a value that represents the code for the type of Aid key. ‘A’ for attention, ‘F’ for function.

char GetAidKeyType(AidKey key)


Type Parameter name Description
AidKey key AidKey enumeration value


Type Description
Char character ‘A’ for attention, ‘F’ for function

DataRow GetDataRow(string formatName)

Gets the first DataRow from the DataTable with the given formatName from the active DataSet.

DataRow GetDataRow(string formatName)


Type Parameter name Description
String formatName  


Type Description
DataRow The first DataRow.

DataTable GetDataTable(string formatName)

Gets the DataTable with the format name given from the active Dataset.

DataTable GetDataTable(string formatName)


Type Parameter name Description
String formatName  


Type Description
DataTable The DataTable

bool GetHasBeenRead()

Gets value that indicates Workstation Dataset status

bool GetHasBeenRead()

RecordModel GetLastRecordModelWritten()

Gets a value that indicates the last RecordModel written by the application logic.

RecordModel GetLastRecordModelWritten()

string GetMessageText(string messageFileName, string messageId, int maxLength, string replacementText)

Gets the message text from the external message file. Message files are external XML resources.

string GetMessageText(string messageFileName, string messageId, int maxLength, string replacementText)


Type Parameter name Description
String messageFileName name of message XML file.
String messageId named identifier for the message to retrieve.
Int32 maxLength maximum characters to copy from message text in the file, defaults to MaxValue.
String replacementText data to use for replacment text place holders in message, defaults to empty.


Type Description
String the text as string

DataRow GetSubfileDataRow(string formatName, int RRN)

Gets the first DataRow from the DataTable with the given subfile formatName from the active DataSet.

DataRow GetSubfileDataRow(string formatName, int RRN)


Type Parameter name Description
String formatName  
Int32 RRN  


Type Description
DataRow The first DataRow.

bool IsKeyEnabled(AidKey aidKey)

Gets the state of the requested AidKey.

bool IsKeyEnabled(AidKey aidKey)


Type Parameter name Description
AidKey aidKey Value from enumeration indicating the key to test


Type Description
Boolean true if the AidKey is enabled

bool LoadFeedbackValues()

Populates the Feedback values on the Active DisplayFile from posted data.

bool LoadFeedbackValues()

void LoadModelPropertiesFromDataSet(bool onlyNonPostedFields)

Refreshes the Model properties by loading values from the active Dataset

void LoadModelPropertiesFromDataSet(bool onlyNonPostedFields)


Type Parameter name Description
Boolean onlyNonPostedFields Determines which fields should be refreshed

void LoadModelStateErrors()

Populates the collection of validation errors.

void LoadModelStateErrors()

IActionResult SelectMyAction(bool valid)

Selects the appropriate action to format a response Page.

IActionResult SelectMyAction(bool valid)


Type Parameter name Description
Boolean valid indicates if the posted page passed validation


Type Description
IActionResult Action method result

void SetResponseIndicators()

Sets the response indicators in the Dataset from the Display page attributes.

void SetResponseIndicators()