JobSession class | QSYS API Reference Guide

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Stores user data while the user navigates the application. JobSession state uses a store maintained by the Job to persist data across requests.

Namespace: ASNA.QSys.Expo.Model Assembly: ASNA.QSys.Expo.Model.dll

Inheritance: Object


The JobSession state uses a store maintained by the Job to persist data across requests.

To get a reference to JobSession instance use the Command.JobSession property.


Type Name Description
String CommandParm Gets or sets the Parameter used by Outsite Pages name from/to the Session
Byte[] EnabledKeys Gets or sets an array of bytes representing the cached enabled keys
String TransactionID Gets or sets the Job Number from/to the Session


Signature Description
ContainsUserKey(String) Determines whether the JobSession contains the specified user key.
GetUserInt32(String) Get a 32-bit integer value to a user provided key in the JobSession.
GetUserString(String) Get a string value to a user provided key in the JobSession.
RemoveUserValue(String) Removes the value referenced by a user key
SetUserInt32(String, Int32) Set a 32-bit integer value to a user provided key in the JobSession.
SetUserString(String, String) Set a string value to a user provided key in the JobSession.

bool ContainsUserKey(string key)

Determines whether the JobSession contains the specified user key.

bool ContainsUserKey(string key)


Type Parameter name Description
String key The key to locate.


Type Description
Boolean true if the JobSession contains an element with the specified key; otherwise, false.

int GetUserInt32(string key)

Get a 32-bit integer value to a user provided key in the JobSession.

int GetUserInt32(string key)


Type Parameter name Description
String key User Key to the number.


Type Description
Int32 The stored value.

string GetUserString(string key)

Get a string value to a user provided key in the JobSession.

string GetUserString(string key)


Type Parameter name Description
String key User Key to the string.


Type Description
String The stored value.

void RemoveUserValue(string key)

Removes the value referenced by a user key

void RemoveUserValue(string key)


Type Parameter name Description
String key User Key to the value

void SetUserInt32(string key, int value)

Set a 32-bit integer value to a user provided key in the JobSession.

void SetUserInt32(string key, int value)


Type Parameter name Description
String key User key to the number.
Int32 value The numeric value.

void SetUserString(string key, string value)

Set a string value to a user provided key in the JobSession.

void SetUserString(string key, string value)


Type Parameter name Description
String key User key to the string.
String value The string value.