DdsButton Icon Guide & Reference
Estimated reading time: 10 minutes
ASNA Monarch® provides a collection of Icon Shapes in the form of SVG Images with commonly used shapes that are inspired by the Font Awesome free library.
The Icon Shapes are simple and clean, monochrome (color can be changed to any solid color), scaled without loss and respect the background (use transparent background).
ASNA Monarch® Icon library contains 250 named shapes, which should be sufficient for most of the DdsButtons TagHelpers you application may need.
Name ID | Icon Shape |
adjust | |
align-center | |
align-justify | |
align-left | |
align-right | |
ambulance | |
angle-down | |
angle-left | |
angle-right | |
angle-up | |
arrow-down | |
arrow-left | |
arrow-right | |
arrow-up | |
asterisk | |
backward | |
ban-circle | |
bar-chart | |
barcode | |
beaker | |
beer | |
bell-alt | |
bell | |
bold | |
bolt | |
book | |
bookmark-empty | |
bookmark | |
briefcase | |
building | |
bullhorn | |
calendar | |
camera-retro | |
camera | |
caret-down | |
caret-left | |
caret-right | |
caret-up | |
certificate | |
check-empty | |
check | |
chevron-down | |
chevron-left | |
chevron-right | |
chevron-up | |
circle-arrow-down | |
circle-arrow-left | |
circle-arrow-right | |
circle-arrow-up | |
circle-blank | |
circle | |
cloud-download | |
cloud-upload | |
cloud | |
coffee | |
cog | |
cogs | |
columns | |
comment-alt | |
comment | |
comments-alt | |
comments | |
copy | |
credit-card | |
cut | |
dashboard | |
desktop | |
double-angle-down | |
double-angle-left | |
double-angle-right | |
double-angle-up | |
download-alt | |
download | |
edit | |
eject | |
envelope-alt | |
envelope | |
equals | |
exchange | |
exclamation-sign | |
external-link | |
eye-close | |
eye-open | |
facebook-sign | |
facetime-video | |
fast-backward | |
fast-forward | |
fighter-jet | |
file-alt | |
file | |
film | |
filter | |
fire | |
flag | |
folder-close-alt | |
folder-close | |
folder-open-alt | |
folder-open | |
font | |
food | |
forward | |
fullscreen | |
gift | |
github-alt | |
github-sign | |
github | |
glass | |
globe | |
google-plus-sign | |
google-plus | |
group | |
h-sign | |
hand-down | |
hand-left | |
hand-right | |
hand-up | |
hdd | |
headphones | |
heart-empty | |
heart | |
home | |
hospital | |
inbox | |
indent-left | |
indent-right | |
info-sign | |
italic | |
key | |
laptop | |
leaf | |
legal | |
lemon | |
lightbulb | |
link | |
linkedin-sign | |
list-alt | |
list-ol | |
list-ul | |
list | |
lock | |
magic | |
magnet | |
map-marker | |
medkit | |
minus-sign | |
minus | |
mobile-phone | |
money | |
move | |
music | |
off | |
ok-circle | |
ok-sign | |
ok | |
paper-clip | |
paste | |
pause | |
pencil | |
phone-sign | |
phone | |
picture | |
pinterest-sign | |
plane | |
play-circle | |
play | |
plus-sign-alt | |
plus-sign | |
plus | |
pushpin | |
qrcode | |
question-sign | |
quote-left | |
quote-right | |
random | |
refresh | |
remove-circle | |
remove-sign | |
remove | |
reorder | |
repeat | |
reply | |
resize-full | |
resize-horizontal | |
resize-small | |
resize-vertical | |
retweet | |
road | |
rss | |
save | |
screenshot | |
search | |
share-alt | |
share | |
shopping-cart | |
sign-blank | |
signal | |
signin | |
signout | |
sitemap | |
sort-down | |
sort-up | |
sort | |
spinner | |
star-empty | |
star-half | |
star | |
step-backward | |
step-forward | |
stethoscope | |
stop | |
strikethrough | |
suitcase | |
table | |
tablet | |
tag | |
tags | |
tasks | |
text-height | |
text-width | |
th-large | |
th-list | |
th | |
thumbs-down | |
thumbs-up | |
time | |
tint | |
trash | |
trophy | |
truck | |
twitter-sign | |
umbrella | |
underline | |
undo | |
unlock | |
upload-alt | |
upload | |
user-md | |
user | |
volume-down | |
volume-off | |
volume-up | |
warning-sign | |
wrench | |
zoom-in | |
zoom-out |