CL User Defined Commands Dictionary XML Schema

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Basic CL User Defined Commands Dictionary Syntax

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ClassTemplate base_cl_program_class="OptionalCL_ProgramBaseOverrideClassName" >
   <Command name="MyUserDefCmd01">  
      <parameter keyword="FIRST_KEYWORD" data_type = "*Char" data_len="10"/>
      <parameter keyword="SECOND_KEYWORD" data_type = "*Dec" data_len="10,2"/>
      <parameter keyword="THIRD_KEYWORD" data_type = "*Dec" data_len="10,2"/>

   <Command name="MyUserDefCmd02">  

   <Command name="MyUserDefCmd03">  

   <Command name="MyUserDefCmd04">  

Root Element Node attributes

Attribute Description Notes
base_cl_program_class The name of base class to extend. (Optional)

If this attribute is used, it is expected that the class extends CLProgram and it implements each new command as a function (or method on C# terms).

Command Element Node

Attribute Description Default value
name The name of the user defined command in the legacy source code that is being redefined. (Required)
program_name The name of the specific program to be used to migrate this user-defined command. Name may be qualified with namespace.  
function_name The name of a specific function to be used to migrate this particular user-defined command.  
class_name1 Name of the class where function_name is implemented  
ignore Whether or not to ignore this command during migration. false

Note: Either program_name or function_name must be provided.

Parameter Element Node

Attribute Description Notes
keyword The name of the keyword in the legacy source code that is being defined. (Required)
data_type The type of parameter. (See Advanced parameter data-types).  
data_len The length of parameter.  
prop_name1 The name of the property to receive the parameter  
by How the parameter is passed, “value” or “reference”  
element_list Contains a list of elements.  
legacy_values The list of possible values that the parameter may contain, which will be replaced by the corresponding migrate_values.  
migrate_values The list of enumeration or constant values that will replace the corresponding legacy_values. For example, if legacy_values contained “*ADD, *REPL, *DEL” the corresponding values in migrate_values could be “enum.ADD, enum.REPLACE, enum.DELETE” to indicate the enumeration values to replace the legacy_values.  
required Indicates if the parameter is required (Yes) or not (No).  
position Position of the parameter.  
default_value Default value of the parameter.  
constructor_parm2 Indicates if this is a constructor parameter (*True). When used, prop_name is invalid and by must be “reference”.  

Advanced parameter data-types

In addition to the basic data-types ( “*Char”, “*Dec”, etc. ), the data-type parameter attribute may define the following advanced types.

Value Description
ListOfInt indicates that the CL Agent should use property indexers and removed quotes from values.
ListOfFile_Path is a list of file_path (<library/name>) values.
file_path is a string in the form of <library/name> where library can be *LIBL or *CURLBL.
RangeOfInt is two values, ‘from’ and ‘to’, where ‘from’ value is less than the ‘to’ value.

  1. Only applies when Command function_name is used (not when program_name is used.)  2

  2. Only applies for ‘class’ types.