Custom Commands: Creation & Use Guide

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Migrating User defined CL commands automatically poses challenges due to the staggering number of possible combinations of: unique name, possible parameters, parameter elements, and value types. To successfully migrate as many user defined commands as possible, an XML Command Definition Dictionary is provided that serves as table-driven template in support of this effort.

To fully use this capability, you will need to update the Command Definition Dictionary for unsupported CL user-defined commands.


The Command Definition Dictionary is stored as a Translation Dictionary in both Galleries and Gameplans.

The dictionary entry corresponding to the Command Definition is listed as the CL User Defined Commands in the Translation Dictionary Page as indicated below:

CL User Defined Commands Dictionary

The CL User Defined Commands Dictionary comes pre-populated with the definition of the CopyFromImportFile command.

The contents of the Dictionary can be edited in place, or text can be copied/pasted from an external editor (such as Visual Studio), or imported from an existing external text file.

Basic CL User Defined Commands Dictionary Syntax

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
   <Command name="MyUserDefCmd01">  
      <parameter keyword="FIRST_KEYWORD" data_type = "*Char" data_len="10"/>
      <parameter keyword="SECOND_KEYWORD" data_type = "*Dec" data_len="10,2"/>
      <parameter keyword="THIRD_KEYWORD" data_type = "*Dec" data_len="10,2"/>

   <Command name="MyUserDefCmd02">  

   <Command name="MyUserDefCmd03">  

   <Command name="MyUserDefCmd04">  

Note: as any XML structure, Element Node names are unquoted and use “<” and “>” to define their hierarchy in the structure (with a “/” in the name to designate the end of the definition). Element Nodes may define Attributes. Attributes may have a string value (quoted) indicated with a “=” sign.

Migration Targets to handle User Defined CL Commands

  1. User Defined Command translated to a CALLD (Call to a migrated Program).
  2. User Defined Command translated to a CALL to a function) (method in C# terms). Alternatively allowing CL Program to specify the extended CL Program class to be overridden to a different base class (where the User Defined functions are implemented).
  3. User Defined Command translated to instantiation of a new user-defined class and call a to “Execute” method. The new user-defined class defines properties for each possible parameter. The Migration consists on the instantiation of the class, population of the properties, and then a call to a Execute function (method in C# terms).

Each Migration Target implementation has its advantages and disadvantages. It is really a Migration preference.

See also CL User Defined Commands Dictionary XML Schema