QSYS Database File Essentials

Estimated reading time: 15 minutes

IBM i RPG File Description Specifications are implemented in ASNA.QSys by the class DatabaseFile.

Note: Program Described files are converted to Externally Described files during Migration.

ASNA.QSys.DatabaseFile provides the expected methods to perform classical RPG I/O operations, including:

  • Open/Close
  • Chain (Read by Key)
  • Write
  • Read / ReadNext / ReadPrevious / Read Equal, etc.
  • Update
  • Delete

You can get detailed information on any method reading QSys Reference

Topics that deserve further explanation in the use of DatabaseFile classes are:

  1. How are DatabaseFile classes Instanced ?
  2. When are Implicit Open files Open and Closed ?
  3. How are class fields for DatabaseFile automatically declared ?
  4. How are Physical and Logical files located in the connected ASNA.DataGate.Client DBName ?
  5. How are files Bound to Data Structures ?
  6. How does File Override work ?

DatabaseFile Object Allocation

Every migrated Program takes the form of a subclass derived from ASNA.QSys Program (or ASNA.QSys CLProgram), with a constructor method similar to this:

public myLegacyProgramName()
    _IN = new IndicatorArray<Len<_1, _0, _0>>((char[])null);


Where the implementation of _instanceInit() is explicitly generated at the bottom of the class, with contents similar to the following code:

void _instanceInit()
    { IsDefaultRFN = true };

    MYLEGACYFILE2 = new DatabaseFile(PopulateBufferMYLEGACYFILE2, PopulateFieldsMYLEGACYFILE2, null, "MYLEGACYFILE2", "*LIBL/MYLEGACYFILE2", MYLEGACYFILE2FormatIDs, blockingFactor : 0)
    { IsDefaultRFN = true };


  • MYLEGACYFILE1 and MYLEGACYFILE2 are class fields declared of type DatabaseFile (uninitialized).

  • PopulateBufferXXX and PopulateFieldsXXX where XXX is the name of the field (MYLEGACYFILE1 in this case), are methods generated in a partial class with the purpose of updating the record fields declared in the myLegacyProgramName to be used as individual fields in the calculation logic of this program (explained in detail in the next section on this page).

  • XXXFormatIDs where XXX is the name of the field (MYLEGACYFILE1 in this case), are Dictionary instances with statically computed Record Format Level Identifier1 for the records defined by file XXX.

  • "*LIBL/XXX" where XXX is the name of the field (MYLEGACYFILE1 in this case), is the search path to locate the external object. "XXX" in this case represents the Operating System object name (Physical or Logical File - Table or View - on the Database). "*LIBL" means, use the Library List. For detailed explanation read ASNA.QSys.DataGate.Client Reference.

For details on other parameters, read ASNA.QSys.Runtime Reference

Opening and Closing file implementation

As expected on any C# class, the constructor and the dispose methods are used to initialize and clean-up resources, in this case Open and Close files.

Only files declared as Implicit Open are included in the constructor.

The constructor and the dispose templated code looks like the following code:

#region Constructor and Dispose 
    public myLegacyProgramName()

        MYLEGACYFILE1.Overrider = Job;
        MYLEGACYFILE1.Open(Job.Database, AccessMode.RWCD, false, false, ServerCursors.Default);

        MYLEGACYFILE2.Overrider = Job;
        MYLEGACYFILE1.Open(Job.Database, AccessMode.Read, false, false, ServerCursors.Default);


    override public void Dispose(bool disposing)
        if (disposing)

For Disposal, it is assumed that DatabaseFile fields have been instanced inside the method _instanceInit().

It is harmless to Close a DatabaseFile field if the file is not Open.

The Overrider property is explained later.

Database fields automatic declaration

IBM i RPG compiler generated code that was not visible to the IBM i Developer, to assist with the Application Development model. In particular:

💡 For every field on every record defined by any externally described file, a stand alone field was declared which was bound to the active record at execution time.

The C# Language does not provide the same integrated database file support as IBM i RPG, by definition C# is a General Purpose Programming Language.

Initially - during migration - the generated class derived from ASNA.QSys Program is completed with the database file support - available in RPG - by means of C# partial class.

As the Application is maintained - if database schema changes -, the partial generated classes need to be re-generated. The later is done by manually running Monarch Dev Tools (explained later in this page).


Every RPG Program migrated, produces three files:

  1. MY_PROGRAM.cs - class declaration with constructor, dispose and migrated RPG Business Logic.
  2. MY_PROGRAM.Io.xfu - stand-alone XML file with detailed external file usage information.
  3. MY_PROGRAM.Io.cs - partial class completing the declaration of fields for external files and implementation of I/O PopulateBufferXXX and PopulateFieldsXXX methods for all records to implement data binding, the RPG way.

The MY_PROGRAM.cs is the class body that we have been discussing in previous sections.


During Migration, the set of ‘externally described’ files used by a program and the usage of each file are written into an XML file that is later used to generate the MY_PROGRAM.Io.cs partial class.

In addition to Database Schema XFU files contain information about how externally described Data-Structures are mapped into records of the database, according to RPG Definition Specifications

To generate the MY_PROGRAM.Io.cs partial class the ASNA Tools use MY_PROGRAM.Io.xfu to declare using C# syntax, field declaration of the types defined by the Fixed Types.

It is assumed that field names - across records - do not collide, RPG had ways to rename fields to avoid collisions.

The partial class looks similar to the following code:

namespace MyCompany.MyApplication
    public partial class myLegacyProgramName
        private FixedDecimal<_9, _0> CMCUSTNO;
        private FixedString<_40> CMNAME;
        private FixedString<_35> CMADDR1;
        private FixedString<_35> CMADDR2;
        private FixedString<_30> CMCITY;
        private FixedString<_2> CMSTATE;
        private FixedString<_10> CMPOSTCODE;
        private FixedString<_1> CMACTIVE;
        private FixedDecimal<_10, _0> CMFAX;
        private FixedString<_20> CMPHONE;
        private FixedString<_5> CMUSRFLGS;
        private FixedString<_40> CMCONTACT;
        private FixedString<_40> CMCONEMAL;
        private FixedString<_1> CMYN01;
        private FixedString<_1> CMYN02;
        private FixedString<_1> CMYN03;

The FixedXXX where XXX is the .NET-like data type is described Here.

The names of the fields are ALL fields in records defined according to the file schema. The types, lengths, precision etc. are static snapshots of the state of the Database schema when the Program was Migrated (more specifically converted to C#).


As discussed in the concept Workstation file, the only shared abstraction of the Data between the Presentation Layers and the Business Logic is the DataSet.

The DatSet is a collection of all DataTables as defined by the records in each file.

The DataTable is a collection of DataRows which are records that have been read from the file.

Referring to the concept RPG language-provided Display and Database support, where we touched on the topic one-record-at-a-time access, RPG normally deals with one record per Table, known as the Active record, or I/O Buffer2.

The I/O Buffer for a file, is the Active DataRow of the DataTable.


There are two operations that need to be executed when data flows between the I/O Buffers and their corresponding Program fields:

  1. Update the fields using the current values in the I/O Buffer - file has just been read.
  2. Update the I/O Buffer with the possibly changed field values - file has just been written to.

I/O Operations call behind the scenes the proper Populate methods. You do not normally need to worry about the internal mechanics. The Developer’s only concern should be to keep the XFU and partial class generated code updated, when the file schema changes.

The following methods show the two Populate methods invoked indirectly when performing I/O operations on file MYLEGACYFILE1 (a sample instance of DatabaseFile class):

private void PopulateFieldsMYLEGACYFILE1(string _, AdgDataSet _dataSet)
    var _table = _dataSet.SetActive("*FILE");
    System.Data.DataRow _row = _table.Row;
    CMCUSTNO = ((decimal)(_row["CMCUSTNO"]));
    CMNAME = ((string)(_row["CMNAME"]));
    CMADDR1 = ((string)(_row["CMADDR1"]));
    CMADDR2 = ((string)(_row["CMADDR2"]));
    CMCITY = ((string)(_row["CMCITY"]));
    CMSTATE = ((string)(_row["CMSTATE"]));
    CMPOSTCODE = ((string)(_row["CMPOSTCODE"]));
    CMACTIVE = ((string)(_row["CMACTIVE"]));
    CMFAX = ((decimal)(_row["CMFAX"]));
    CMPHONE = ((string)(_row["CMPHONE"]));
    CMUSRFLGS = ((string)(_row["CMUSRFLGS"]));
    CMCONTACT = ((string)(_row["CMCONTACT"]));
    CMCONEMAL = ((string)(_row["CMCONEMAL"]));
    CMYN01 = ((string)(_row["CMYN01"]));
    CMYN02 = ((string)(_row["CMYN02"]));
    CMYN03 = ((string)(_row["CMYN03"]));
private void PopulateBufferMYLEGACYFILE1(string _, AdgDataSet _dataSet)
    var _table = _dataSet.GetAdgTable("*FILE");
    System.Data.DataRow _row = _table.Row;
    _row["CMCUSTNO"] = ((decimal)(CMCUSTNO));
    _row["CMNAME"] = ((string)(CMNAME));
    _row["CMADDR1"] = ((string)(CMADDR1));
    _row["CMADDR2"] = ((string)(CMADDR2));
    _row["CMCITY"] = ((string)(CMCITY));
    _row["CMSTATE"] = ((string)(CMSTATE));
    _row["CMPOSTCODE"] = ((string)(CMPOSTCODE));
    _row["CMACTIVE"] = ((string)(CMACTIVE));
    _row["CMFAX"] = ((decimal)(CMFAX));
    _row["CMPHONE"] = ((string)(CMPHONE));
    _row["CMUSRFLGS"] = ((string)(CMUSRFLGS));
    _row["CMCONTACT"] = ((string)(CMCONTACT));
    _row["CMCONEMAL"] = ((string)(CMCONEMAL));
    _row["CMYN01"] = ((string)(CMYN01));
    _row["CMYN02"] = ((string)(CMYN02));
    _row["CMYN03"] = ((string)(CMYN03));

File Overriding

IBM i File Overriding is a technique that directs the Operating System to locate different Objects that those used to compile a Program. This is similar to the concept URL Redirection more commonly known to Web Developers.

Program behavior can be affected without recompiling, by requesting the Operating System to change how external resources are located and used.

File Overriding on IBM i is done with commands executed at the prompt or as part of Programs written in CL.

The RPG Business Logic, needs to Apply the override rules, before opening files.

If you look again at any constructor code on ANY of the Migrated Programs (derived from class ASNA.QSys Program), you will see code like the following:

public myLegacyProgramName()
    _IN = new IndicatorArray<Len<_1, _0, _0>>((char[])null);


    MYLEGACYFILE1.Overrider = Job;
    MYLEGACYFILE1.Open(Job.Database, AccessMode.RWCD, false, false, ServerCursors.Default);
    MYLEGACYFILE2.Overrider = Job;
    MYLEGACYFILE2.Open(Job.Database, AccessMode.Read, false, false, ServerCursors.Default);

The line MYLEGACYFILE1.Overrider = Job; and MYLEGACYFILE2.Overrider = Job; is setting the property Overrider of the class DatabaseFile to the Job reference. This is done, to prepare the file instance for operations such as Open.

When changing code during maintenance, make sure to leave the Overrider setter code before ANY call to any I/O methods.

Monarch Dev Tools to assist in File maintenance

There are two external tools provided by ASNA that are available when changing file schema3:

  1. Refresh XFU
  2. Run Custom Tool (for a Program source file).
  • Refresh XFU - For every file field in the Program (database, workstation and printfiles), get the current schema(s) from the external physical devices and write the XML file.

  • Custom Tool - The tool that is configured to run for .cs source files that have classes derived from ASNA.QSys Program, is a tool that takes the XML definition of the schema and data structure mapping information - XFU file - and re-generates the partial class in the .Io.cs related source file. (Recall that the partial class defines Program fields according to file schema records and PopulateXXX I/O methods).

If possible, avoid changing manually the contents of the .Io.cs partial classes, letting the Custom Tool freely replace the proper source.

  1. Record Format Level Identifier is a IBM i proprietary record hash calculation, that uniquely identifies the fields, lengths and types. Used by the Operating System as a mechanism to check the version of the external references of a Program, such that, if the compilation happened with an incompatible version, the execution is stopped, to prevent invalid runs. 

  2. Subfile records are the exception. These may contain several records at one time. 

  3. In the case of WorkstationFile changing fields in the PageModel class is also considered a schema change.Â