DdsMessagePanelTagHelper class

Provides a placeholder for Page messages.

Namespace: ASNA.QSys.Expo.Tags Assembly: ASNA.QSys.Expo.Tags.dll

Inheritance: Object –> TagHelper


IBM i Display files typically used an area on the Page to display messages. This is known as the Message Subfile

The DdsMessagePanel Tag Helper defines the location in the Page for the Message Subfile.

As Display Pages are submitted, input is validated according to errors produced during the Model Binding process. Any Binding Model Errors are presented inside DdsMessagePanel as a list of text lines with Line Breaks after each line.

There is no particular CSS style associated with this element. It is assumed that a class will be added later during the Modernization process (i.e. styles such as scrolling, colors etc.)

If Binding Model Errors are going to be processed in a different way, omit this Tag Helper and the Application continues normally.

The typical placement of the DdsMessagePanel Tag Helper is as the last element on the main as indicated below:

<form method="post">>
    <DdsFile DisplayPageModel="Model">

        <DdsFunctionKeys />

        <main role="main" >
            <DdsSubfileControl For="Record_1">...</DdsSubfileControl>
            <DdsRecord For="Record_2">...</DdsRecord>
            <DdsRecord For="Record_3">...</DdsRecord>
            <DdsRecord For="Record_n">...</DdsRecord>

            <DdsMessagePanel class="my-messages-style"/>