WebDisplayFileProxy class | QSYS API Reference Guide

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Defines a Proxy implementation for the WebDisplayFile

Namespace: ASNA.QSys.Expo.Model Assembly: ASNA.QSys.Expo.Model.dll

Inheritance: Object


In order to implement OUT-OF-PROCESS Application Architecture, WebDisplayFileProxy class extracts the Display file elements (or User Interface ) with their state to make a copy that can represent the state of the (remote) Application Server.


Name Description
WebDisplayFileProxy(String, DataSet) Initializes a new instance of WebDisplayFileProxy class using passed initializers

WebDisplayFileProxy(String, DataSet)

Initializes a new instance of WebDisplayFileProxy class using passed initializers

WebDisplayFileProxy(String, DataSet)


Type Parameter name Description
String pageName Name of the Page
DataSet dataSet Displayfile data-set


Type Name Description
DataSet DataSet Gets the current DataSet
Boolean DisplayErrorMessages Gets a boolean value that indicates if the Error Messages should be displayed
Int16 FeedbackActiveWindowCursor If a Window Record is active, this property gets or sets a value that indicates Cursor (row, column) corresponding to the last location last user input (Hi byte is the row, Lo-byte is the column)
Byte FeedbackAID Gets a value that indicates the AID code sent in last user request
Int16 FeedbackCursor Gets a value that indicates Cursor (row, column) corresponding to the last location last user input (Hi byte is the row, Lo-byte is the column)
String FeedbackField Gets a value that indicates the name of the last Field where the Cursor was positioned, corresponding to the last location last user input
Int16 FeedbackFlags Gets a value that indicates Miscellaneous feedback flags. Bit 1: Cancel-read indicator. Bit 2: Data-returned indicator. Bit 3: Command key indicator. Bits 4-16: Reserved.
Int16 FeedbackLowestSubfile Gets a value that indicates the indicates the lowest subfile relative record number currently displayed in the uppermost subfile display area if the last write operation was done to the subfile control record with ‘Subfile Display’ specified. Updated for roll up and roll down operations. Reset to 0 on a write operation to another record. Not set for message subfiles
Int16 FeedbackSubfileCursorRRN Gets or sets a value that indicates Relative Record Number of a subfile record. For input operations, updated only if data is returned to the program. If multiple subfiles are on the display, this offset will contain the relative record number for the last subfile updated.
Int32 InstanceId Gets a value that indicates the Unique Page instance ID
String LastFormatNameWritten Gets a value that indicates the name of the last Record Format written
String PageName Gets the Page Name


Signature Description
AddCallHostSpecs(CallHostSpecs) Will throw NonImplemented exception
GetTopRecordOnInput(String) Gets the Subfile Top Relative Record Number in the last input operation
SetOneTimeDefaultValue(String) Marks a field as one that has had a Default value (internal use)
SetTopRecordOnInput(String, Int32) Sets the Subfile Top Relative Record Number for the last input operation

int AddCallHostSpecs(CallHostSpecs buildOptionsSpecs)

Will throw NonImplemented exception

int AddCallHostSpecs(CallHostSpecs buildOptionsSpecs)


Type Parameter name Description
CallHostSpecs buildOptionsSpecs CallHostSpecs instance


Type Description
Int32 throws exception

int GetTopRecordOnInput(string formatName)

Gets the Subfile Top Relative Record Number in the last input operation

int GetTopRecordOnInput(string formatName)


Type Parameter name Description
String formatName subfile record name


Type Description
Int32 the relative record number

bool SetOneTimeDefaultValue(string fieldID)

Marks a field as one that has had a Default value (internal use)

bool SetOneTimeDefaultValue(string fieldID)


Type Parameter name Description
String fieldID field name


Type Description
Boolean true the field was not marked as having a Default value

void SetTopRecordOnInput(string formatName, int rrn)

Sets the Subfile Top Relative Record Number for the last input operation

void SetTopRecordOnInput(string formatName, int rrn)


Type Parameter name Description
String formatName subfile record name
Int32 rrn relative record number