ConditionalValue class | QSYS API Reference Guide

Defines ConditionalValue class

Namespace: ASNA.QSys.Expo.Model Assembly: ASNA.QSys.Expo.Model.dll

Inheritance: Object

When describing ConditionalProperties such as FunctionKeysRecordAttributes, the Condition is expressed by:

  1. A Condition expression.
  2. An Response Indicators Value.

For example,

"F11 11 : !30"
Expression Response Indicator Value
!30 11

The ConditionalValue for such Function Key specification would read:

Function Key is Valid when Option Indicator 30 is Off. If the Command is issued, the Response Indicator 11 will be set to On

Here is an overview of Conditional Values concepts.


Name Description
ConditionalValue() Initializes a new instance of the class ConditionalValue
ConditionalValue(String, String) Initializes a new instance of the class ConditionalValue, using the condition and value given as initial values.


Initializes a new instance of the class ConditionalValue


ConditionalValue(String, String)

Initializes a new instance of the class ConditionalValue, using the condition and value given as initial values.

ConditionalValue(String, String)


Type Parameter name Description
String condition conditional expression
String val result indicator to turn on


Type Name Description  
String Condition Gets or sets the option-indicator-condition. Use & and for (AND OR). Use ! to negate. Example “!76 & 50” meaning: If Not(*Ind76) AND *Ind50
String Value Gets or sets the result-indicator to turn On. One indicator expected. Example: “51” meaning set result In51=On  


Signature Description
ToString() Serializes the instance into a string.

string ToString()

Serializes the instance into a string.

string ToString()