IExchange5250 interface | QSYS API Reference Guide

Provides an interface for exchanging 5250 data streams.

Namespace: ASNA.DataGate.Providers Assembly: ASNA.QSys.DataGate.Client.dll

Extends: doesn’t extend any other interfaces.


Signature Description
CompleteOpen(Int32) Completes the opening of a peer with a specific code page ID.
GetDeviceInfo(String&, String&, String&) Gets the device information.

void CompleteOpen(int peerAltCodePageID)

Completes the opening of a peer with a specific code page ID.

void CompleteOpen(int peerAltCodePageID)


Type Parameter name Description
Int32 peerAltCodePageID The alternative code page ID of the peer.

void GetDeviceInfo(String& deviceSN, String& deviceClient, String& deviceServer)

Gets the device information.

void GetDeviceInfo(String& deviceSN, String& deviceClient, String& deviceServer)


Type Parameter name Description
String& deviceSN The device serial number.
String& deviceClient The device client.
String& deviceServer The device server.