dgErrorNumber enum | QSYS API Reference Guide

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Represents the different error numbers generated as a result of Acceler8DB or Datagate/400 server errors. These errors occur programmatically on the server computer to indicate a condition. In general, these are “true errors”, and only in a few cases do they signify a normal condition.

Namespace: ASNA.DataGate.Common Assembly: ASNA.QSys.DataGate.Client.dll

Enum Values

Name Description Value
dgALTXLAT Represents alternate encoding text translation support errors. 1700
dgEaBADACCESS Represents a bad access error. 110
dgEaBADFARM Represents a bad farm error. 132
dgEaBADFD Represents a bad file descriptor error. 109
dgEaBADFRMT Represents an invalid format error. 125
dgEaBADFRMTID Represents a bad format ID error. 123
dgEaBADGROVE Represents a bad grove error. 112
dgEaBADIDX Represents a bad index error. 131
dgEaBADREC Represents a bad record error. 105
dgEaBUSYFILE Represents a file is busy error. 107
dgEaBUSYREC Represents a record is busy error. 108
dgEACCESS Represents access errors. 100
dgEaCORRFARM Represents an error where the data file is corrupted (File Length not multiple of Record Length). 138
dgEaCORRNODE Represents a corrupted node encounter error. 135
dgEaDEADLOCK Represents a deadlock error. 114
dgEaDUPKEY Represents a duplicate key error. 101
dgEaEOF Represents an end of file error. 106
dgEaIDXFNOTFND Represents an index file not found error. 134
dgEaIDXNOTFND Represents an index not found error. 113
dgEaINTERRUPT Represents an interrupt received error. 120
dgEaINVARG Represents an invalid access argument error. 111
dgEaINVBFOPEN Represents a blocking factor attribute not allowed with files opened for output error. 133
dgEaINVDATETIMEDATA Represents an error where the contents of date/time field has invalid data format. 142
dgEaINVDMOP Represents an invalid operation on database open exclusively for monitoring error. 136
dgEaINVFTOP Represents an invalid operation for file type error. 130
dgEaINVINST Represents an invalid instruction error. 129
dgEaINVJOINCURSOR Represents an error where an invalid ServerCursor was selected for Join File in SQL Server. 147
dgEaINVLOCKTOGGLE Represents an error where it’s not possible to toggle Lock/NoLock record on sequential read in SQL Server. 146
dgEaINVMANLOCKS Represents an error where DG on SQL Server does not support opening files with Manual Locks, use Automatic Locks. 145
dgEaINVMODE Represents an invalid mode error. 122
dgEaINVNOLOCK Represents an error where NoLock reads on update files are not supported in SQL Server. 141
dgEaINVNUMERICDATA Represents an error where the contents of numeric field has invalid data format. 143
dgEaINVTYPE Represents an invalid type error. 102
dgEaIOERROR Represents an I/O error. 117
dgEaKEYNOTFND Represents an error where the key field is not found. 139
dgEaMAXFILES Represents a maximum files opened error. 119
dgEaNEEDFRMT Represents a need format for this operation error. 126
dgEaNOCURR Represents a no current record error. 116
dgEaNOFILE Represents a file not found error. 118
dgEaNOLOCK Represents a record not locked by caller error. 115
dgEaNOSPACE Represents a no space available error. 121
dgEaNOTFND Represents a not found error. 103
dgEaNOTINDEX Represents a not open for index access error. 124
dgEaNOTINDEXED Represents an error where an attempt was made to open a non-indexed file for index processing. 140
dgEaNOTUPD Represents an error where the file is not open for update operations. 144
dgEAPPC Represents APPC Errors. 800
dgEaRECDEL Represents a record deleted error. 104
dgEaRECPREVLCK Represents an error where the record is already locked to this job. 137
dgEaSTKOVF Represents a stack overflow error. 127
dgEaSTKUNF Represents a stack underflow error. 128
dgEbINVALIDFACT Represents an error where the configured alternate text translation provider is invalid. 1703
dgEbMISSFACT Represents an error where the configured alternate text translation provider type is not found. 1702
dgEbNOFACTORY Represents an error where there is a configured alternate text translation provider loading error. 1701
dgEcADDIDX Represents an error adding an index. 407
dgECALLPARM Represents call/parameter errors. 700
dgECATALOG Represents a catalog error. 50
dgEcBADREFFILE Represents an error where the field reference file must be a physical file. 430
dgEcBADSRC Represents a bad source error. 401
dgEccIOERR Represents an error where an unrecoverable I/O error occurred in commit/rollback operation. 1402
dgEccIORECERR Represents an error where a recoverable I/O error occurred in commit/rollback operation. 1401
dgEcCLONEDFORMAT Represents an error where the format has a fixed set of fields, those of the base file. 428
dgEcCRTACF Represents an error creating an access file. 406
dgEcCRTACP Represents an error creating an access program. 418
dgEcFLDEXISTS Represents an error where a field already exists in the format. 419
dgEcFLDINVDEC Represents an invalid field decimal error. 416
dgEcFLDINVFMT Represents an invalid field format error. 422
dgEcFLDINVINT Represents an invalid field integral error. 417
dgEcFLDINVLEN Represents an invalid field length error. 415
dgEcFLDNOTFND Represents a field not found error. 414
dgEcFLDTYPENONNULL Represents an error where the field type is not null capable. 433
dgEcFORMATEXISTS Represents an error where a format already exists in the file. 421
dgEcFORMATNOTFND Represents a format not found error. 420
dgECHANBUSY Represents a channel busy error. 10
dgEcINVCONCAT Represents an invalid CONCAT definition error. 440
dgEcINVCONST Represents an invalid constant error. 408
dgEcINVCONSTLEN Represents an invalid constant length error. 409
dgEcINVDER Represents an invalid derivation error. 423
dgEcINVDERDBCS Represents an invalid derivation, base field length invalid error. 427
dgEcINVDERDEC Represents an invalid derivation, decimals not 0 error. 425
dgEcINVDERSIZ Represents an invalid derivation, sizes don’t match error. 424
dgEcINVFILETYPE Represents an error where the file type is not recognized as valid. 439
dgEcINVFLDREMAP Represents an error where a field cannot be remapped in the file description. 441
dgEcINVINST Represents an invalid instruction error. 404
dgEcINVJOINLEN Represents an error where fields in join definition exceed key length supported by the platform. 435
dgEcINVKEYFORFILE Represents an error where the key usage is invalid for this file type. 432
dgEcINVKEYLEN Represents an error where the key length is longer than supported by the platform. 434
dgEcINVKEYREMAP Represents an error where a key cannot be remapped in the file description. 442
dgEcINVOPTYPE Represents an invalid operation for field type error. 426
dgEcNEWVERSION Represents an error where the file definition version is newer than supported by this release. 431
dgEcNONULLSUPPORT Represents an error where null fields are not supported by the server. 437
dgEcNOREFFILE Represents a field reference file not found error. 429
dgEcNOTALL Represents an error where not all fields could be processed. 436
dgEcNOVARLENSUPPORT Represents an error where variable length fields are not supported by the server. 438
dgEcNUMEXP Represents an error where a number was expected. 402
dgECOMMAND Represents command errors. 1100
dgECOMMITCTL Represents commitment control errors. 1400
dgECOMPILER Represents compiler errors. 400
dgEcOPEREXP Represents an error where an operand was expected. 411
dgEcOPNACF Represents an error opening an access file. 405
dgEcOPNTYPE Represents an operand type error. 403
dgEcQUOTEXP Represents an error where a quotation was expected. 412
dgEcRPAREXP Represents an error where a ‘)’ was expected. 410
dgEcSQL400FILE Represents an error where SQL logical files are not supported. 443
dgEcSQLROFIELD Represents an error where SQL table read-only fields are only supported for 0-decimal numeric types. 444
dgEcVAREXP Represents an error where a variable was expected. 413
dgEdbBADLIBL Represents an error where the library list has a bad format. 1027
dgEdbCONVUNAVAIL Represents an error where CCSID conversion is unavailable. 1012
dgEdbDGMEMSRV Represents an error where the dgmemsrv process could not be created. 1004
dgEdbDUPDB Represents an error where a duplicate database was found. 1013
dgEdbDUPLIBLE Represents an error where a duplicate library list entry was found. 1022
dgEdbEXCLUSIVE Represents an error where the database is locked for exclusive use. 1020
dgEdbLIMIT Represents an error where too many databases are registered. 1003
dgEdbMAPCREATE Represents an error where the registry shared memory file creation failed. 1007
dgEdbMAPOPEN Represents an error where the registry shared memory open operation failed. 1006
dgEdbMAPVIEW Represents an error where the registry shared memory view mapping failed. 1008
dgEdbMAXLIBL Represents an error where the library list reached its maximum capacity. 1023
dgEdbMUTEXNOTFOUND Represents an error where the system mutex object was not found. 1001
dgEdbMUTEXWAIT Represents an error where the database startup procedure failed due to a system mutex wait error. 1002
dgEdbNODBCSSUPP Represents an error where DBCS is unsupported in this version. 1011
dgEdbNODBNAME Represents an error where the database name was not found. 1019
dgEdbNOINITLIBL Represents an error where the initial library list was not set. 1021
dgEdbNOLABEL Represents an error where the requested database label doesn’t exist. 1016
dgEdbNOLIBL Represents an error where the library list was not found. 1026
dgEdbNOQCCSID Represents an error where the QCCSID system value could not be retrieved. 1010
dgEdbNOREPAIR Represents an error where dgFixDB wouldn’t start. 1015
dgEdbNOTALLLIBL Represents an error where at least one library was not set in the library list. 1025
dgEdbNOTINLIBL Represents an error where a library was not found in the library list. 1024
dgEdbREGCREATE Represents a system error creating the database label. 1014
dgEdbREGDELETEDB Represents an error where the operation did not complete; the registry entries could not be removed. 1017
dgEdbREGDENIED Represents an error where there are insufficient access permissions on the registry. 1018
dgEdbREGFILEDIR Represents an error where the registration file directory was not found. 1005
dgEdbSYNC Represents an error where unprotected registry access is not allowed. 1009
dgEDELERROR Represents a delete error. 3
dgEDEVICENAME Represents an error where the device name is not available. 20
dgEEXCEPTION Represents an unexpected exception error. 9
dgEEXPANDFS Represents an expand file system error. 5
dgEfirstError Represents the first error. 0
dgEgBADAP Represents a bad access program stream error. 53
dgEgBADATTR Represents a bad creation attribute stream error. 59
dgEgBADAUTH Represents an error where the authorization record is bad. 77
dgEgBADDEPEND Represents a bad dependency stream error. 67
dgEgBADEXT Represents a bad extension stream error. 69
dgEgBADFARM Represents a bad farm stream error. 65
dgEgBADFDEF Represents a bad file definition stream error. 55
dgEgBADGROVE Represents a bad grove stream error. 63
dgEgBADMATTER Represents a bad matter stream error. 61
dgEgBADPP Represents a bad path program stream error. 57
dgEgBADREL Represents a bad relations stream error. 51
dgEgBADTEXT Represents a bad text stream error. 71
dgEgCANTAUTH Represents an error where the system could not add a security record. 76
dgEgCORRFDEFC Represents an error where the file definition cache member is corrupt. 84
dgEgINVVOLPATH Represents an error where the volume directory path is invalid. 81
dgEgNEWDB Represents an error where the database is newer than supported by this version. 74
dgEgNOAP Represents an error where no access program stream exists. 54
dgEgNOATTR Represents an error where no creation attribute stream exists. 60
dgEgNOAUTHLOCK Represents an error where the system could not lock the security record. 79
dgEgNOCATALOG Represents an error where the database’s catalog could not be opened. 75
dgEgNODBAUTH Represents an error where the user is not authorized to the database. 80
dgEgNODEPEND Represents an error where no dependency stream exists. 68
dgEgNOEXT Represents an error where no extension stream exists. 70
dgEgNOFARM Represents an error where no farm stream exists. 66
dgEgNOFDEF Represents an error where no file definition stream exists. 56
dgEgNOGROVE Represents an error where no grove stream exists. 64
dgEgNOMATTER Represents an error where no matter stream exists. 62
dgEgNONSECUREDB Represents an error where the database is not secure. 78
dgEgNOPP Represents an error where no path program stream exists. 58
dgEgNOREL Represents an error where no relations exist. 52
dgEgNOTEXT Represents an error where no text stream exists. 72
dgEgOLDDB Represents an error where the database is older than supported by this version. 73
dgEgOSNOTSECURE Represents an error where a secure database was attempted to be opened from an insecure operating system. 83
dgEgVOLNOTSECURE Represents an error where the volume’s file system is not secure capable. 82
dgEiCONNLOST Represents an error where the TCP/IP Connection was terminated unexpectedly. The Server was probably shut down. 913
dgEiDG8START Represents an error where the Datagate job could not be started; check DG8SVCPRF job spooled-file output and user profile settings. 914
dgEiHOSTNOTFND Represents an error where the remote TCP/IP host was not found. 908
dgEiNETDOWN Represents an error where the TCP/IP Network subsystem has failed. 910
dgEiNETUNREACH Represents an error where the TCP/IP network could not be reached from this machine. 911
dgEiNOBIND Represents an error where a socket cannot be bound. 902
dgEiNORESPONSE Represents an error where the Server Machine or the ADB/DG Service did not respond. 912
dgEiNORMTTCPIPSUPPORT Represents an error where connecting to a remote database with TCP/IP is not supported on this platform. 906
dgEiNOSERVER Represents an error where a connection to the database server cannot be established. 903
dgEiNOSOCKET Represents an error where a socket cannot be obtained. 901
dgEINTERNAL Represents an internal error. 7
dgEINVARG Represents an invalid argument error. 8
dgEINVHANDLE Represents an invalid handle error. 6
dgEINVPLATFORM Represents an error where the platform SQL Server is not supported with this version. 18
dgEiRESOLVER Represents a TCP/IP resolver error. 909
dgEiSERVERSTART Represents an error where the database server process could not be started. 905
dgEiSOCKETIO Represents a socket I/O error. 904
dgEiTCPDOWN Represents an error where the TCP/IP subsystem is not currently available. 907
dgEiTLNTCNCT Represents an error where a connection to the DataGate/400 host’s TELNET server could not be established. 915
dgEiTLNTPORT Represents an error where the port of the connected TELNET socket could not be obtained. 916
dgELastError Represents the last error. 1906
dgELICENSE Represents license management errors. 1200
dgEm400OBJNAMELEN Represents an error where object names on this database server may not exceed 10 characters in length. 672
dgEmANOTFND Represents an error where the access path was not found. 605
dgEmARCCHKSUMWRONG Represents an error where the archive checksum is wrong, indicating the archive is corrupted. 651
dgEmARCFAILI Represents an error where data could not be restored due to an input error. 649
dgEmARCFAILO Represents an error where data could not be saved due to an output error. 650
dgEmBADARCHTYPE Represents an error where the Archive Type is not supported. 674
dgEmBADCAT Represents an error where the catalog is broken. 634
dgEmBADFRMTID Represents an error where the base file has an invalid format ID. 637
dgEmBASENOTPH Represents an error where the base file is not physical. 638
dgEmBUSYOBJ Represents an error where the Object is Busy. 681
dgEmCANCEL Represents an error where the operation was canceled by the user. 673
dgEmCLIENTNOTFND Represents an error where the Client was not found. 679
dgEmCORRDATFIL Represents an error where corrupted system data was encountered in a member. Retry after using ADB Database Manager’s Fix Index tool. 648
dgEmCORRENV Represents an error where the environment is corrupted. 612
dgEmCRTSHM Represents an error creating the Shared Memory File. 668
dgEmCRTSHMLOCK Represents an error where the Shared Memory File cannot be created because it is locked by another program. 666
dgEmCRTSHMMAP Represents an error creating the Shared Memory File Mapping. 669
dgEmCRTSHMPATH Represents an error where the Shared Memory File cannot be created because the path to the database doesn’t exist. 667
dgEmDIRNOTEMPTY Represents an error where the directory is not empty. 644
dgEmDIRTYENV Represents an error where the environment is dirty. 611
dgEmDNOTFND Represents an error where the directory was not found. 602
dgEmDUPINDEX Represents an error where the index is a duplicate. 623
dgEmDUPNOTFND Represents an error where the duplicate base was not found. 636
dgEmDUPOBJ Represents an error where the object is a duplicate. 606
dgEmEMPTYARC Represents an error where an empty archive unit cannot be saved. 687
dgEmENVEXISTS Represents an error where the environment already exists. 609
dgEmEOFSAVEREST Represents an error where the end of the save/restore file has been reached. 615
dgEmERRAUTH Represents an error found when dealing with authority. 662
dgEmFILENOTOPEN Represents an error where the File is not open. 680
dgEmFNOTFND Represents an error where the file was not found. 603
dgEMGTOBJ Represents object management errors. 600
dgEmHASDEPEND Represents an error where the object has dependents. 614
dgEmINCOMPLETE Represents an error where the operation did not complete. 622
dgEmINUSEBYYOU Represents an error where the object is in use by the current user. 675
dgEmINV400OP Represents an invalid operation against AS/400 server. 645
dgEmINVBASECOUNT Represents an error where the number of bases is invalid. 625
dgEmINVDIRNAME Represents an error where the directory name is invalid. 641
dgEmINVFILENAME Represents an error where the file name is invalid. 642
dgEmINVFOP Represents an error where the file operation is invalid. 639
dgEmINVMEMBNAME Represents an error where the member name is invalid. 640
dgEmINVOBJ Represents an error where the object is invalid. 607
dgEmINVOBJNAME Represents an error where the object name is invalid. 643
dgEmINVOTYPE Represents an error where the object type is invalid. 608
dgEmINVOWNER Represents an error where the owner is invalid. This account may not be assigned as the owner of this object. 661
dgEmINVPRTFILE Represents an error where the file is not a valid Acceler8DB print file. 652
dgEmINVSQLOP Represents an invalid operation against SQL Server. 646
dgEmINVTAROBJNAME Represents an error where the target object name is invalid. 626
dgEmINVUSER Represents an error where the user account is invalid. 660
dgEmLCKNOTFND Represents an error where the Object Lock was not found. 678
dgEmLIBLTARGET Represents an error where *LIBL can’t be the target directory. 686
dgEmMAPSHM Represents an error mapping view of the Shared Memory File. 670
dgEmMAXMEM Represents an error where the maximum number of members has been reached. 624
dgEmMAXMERGE Represents an error where the maximum number of merged members over a physical has been reached. 632
dgEmMISSMATCHBASE Represents an error where the base member’s file does not match the file’s base. 647
dgEmMNOTFND Represents an error where the member was not found. 604
dgEmNOBASEAUTH Represents an error where the user is not authorized to the base object for this operation. 663
dgEmNODIRADD Represents an error where the user is not authorized to add objects to the directory. 656
dgEmNODIRDEL Represents an error where the user is not authorized to delete objects from the directory. 657
dgEmNODIRREAD Represents an error where the user is not authorized to read objects in the directory. 655
dgEmNOENV Represents an error where the environment doesn’t exist. 610
dgEmNOLOCK Represents an error where the Object is not locked by the caller. 682
dgEmNOMEMADD Represents an error where the user is not authorized to add members to the file. 664
dgEmNOMEMDEL Represents an error where the user is not authorized to delete members from the file. 665
dgEmNONEXISTAUTH Represents an error where the user cannot revoke non-existing authorities. 659
dgEmNOOBJAUTH Represents an error where the user is not authorized to the object for this operation. 654
dgEmNOPARENTUPD Represents an error where the user is not authorized to update objects in the parent directory. 658
dgEmNOPATHAUTH Represents an error where the user is not authorized to the path. 653
dgEmNOPERMINTEMP Represents an error where a permanent object can’t reside in a temporary directory. 677
dgEmNOSEMS Represents an error where the requested number of semaphores cannot be obtained. 627
dgEmNOTEMPTY Represents an error where the directory is not empty. 613
dgEmNOTFND Represents an error where the object was not found. 601
dgEmNOTONQTEMP Represents an error where the operation is not valid on QTemp. 676
dgEmNOTSAME Represents an error where the device or file system is not the same. 633
dgEmOPENSHM Represents an error opening the Shared Memory File. 671
dgEmPROCACTIVE Represents an error where the process is active. 631
dgEmPROCNOTFND Represents an error where the process was not found. 630
dgEmQUSCRTUQ Represents an error where the QUSCRTUQ create user queue OS/400 api failed. 683
dgEmRMGSHM Represents an error where the global shared memory cannot be removed. 629
dgEmRMSEM Represents an error where the semaphore ID cannot be removed. 628
dgEmRNOBJUSRQ Represents an error where the RNMOBJ OBJTYPE(*USRQ) failed to rename the user queue. 684
dgEmROOTDIR Represents an error where an invalid operation was performed on the root directory. 635
dgEmRSLVSPUSRQ Represents an error where the RSLVSP(_Usrq) failed to get the user queue pointer. 685
dgEmSRCORRDATA Represents an error where the save/restore data is corrupted. 618
dgEmSRINVMODE Represents an error where the save/restore mode is invalid. 617
dgEmSRINVORD Represents an error where the block order is invalid. 620
dgEmSRINVSYS Represents an error where the source or target machine is incompatible. 621
dgEmSRINVVER Represents an error where the save/restore version is invalid. 619
dgEmSRNOTCOMP Represents an error where the save/restore is not complete. 616
dgEnAddingMember Represents an error adding a member. 1109
dgEnAddingRecord Represents an error adding a record. 1116
dgEnCantCreateLF Represents an error where logical files cannot be created using CopyData; Use Copy Logical File instead. 1131
dgEnCDNOCOMMONFLDS Represents an error where source and destination files must have at least one common field name. 1127
dgEnCDNODROPFLDS Represents an error where source and destination files have different field names and the ‘Drop Fields’ option was not set. 1128
dgEnCDSRCNOTPHY Represents an error where a source file must be physical when mapping fields. 1126
dgEnCharExpected Represents an error where a character was expected. 1114
dgEnCopyToSelf Represents an error where a copy to self operation was attempted. 1121
dgEnDateExpected Represents an error where a date value was expected. 1123
dgEnDelimeterExpected Represents an error where a delimiter was expected. 1112
dgEnDifferentFrmtId Represents an error where source and destination files have different Format IDs. 1132
dgENEGOAUTHEXC Represents a client-initiated negotiate security authentication failure. Further details in inner exception and target server logs. 23
dgENEGOHANDSHK Represents a negotiate handshake error. Code: %d, Status: %ul, Facility: %s. 22
dgENEGOINVOKE Represents a negotiate initialization error. Code: %d, Status: %ul, Facility: %s. 21
dgEnEndOfArchiveUnit Represents an error at the end of an archive unit. 1120
dgEnFromFileNotFnd Represents an error where the from-file was not found. 1117
dgEnHexExpected Represents an error where a hexadecimal value was expected. 1122
dgEnInDefinition Represents an error in the definition. 1104
dgEnInvalidFieldType Represents an error with an invalid field type. 1106
dgEnInvalidFromFileType Represents an error with an invalid from-file type. 1133
dgEnInvalidToFileType Represents an error with an invalid to-file type. 1134
dgEnMultiFormat Represents an error with multiple formats. 1103
dgEnNoMemory Represents an error where there is no memory available. 1105
dgEnNumberExpected Represents an error where a number was expected. 1113
dgENOATLASCTX Represents an internal error with no Atlas context. 15
dgENODATAAREAS Represents an error where data area access is not supported by this database. 19
dgENOMEM Represents a no memory available error or database memory exhausted. Try increasing the memory size in the ‘Work with Databases’ dialog in Database Manager. 4
dgENONPRVSERVER Represents a server account not privileged error. Security context not established. 12
dgEnOpenFileDef Represents an error opening the file definition. 1102
dgEnOpeningFile Represents an error opening a file. 1108
dgEnOpeningFromFile Represents an error opening the from-file. 1135
dgEnOpeningToFile Represents an error opening the to-file. 1136
dgENOTEMPFILE Represents an error where a temporary file could not be created for an internal operation. 16
dgENOTIMPL Represents a not implemented error. 2
dgENOTSECURE Represents an invalid user/password error. Security context not established. 11
dgEnReadingNext Represents an error reading the next item. 1110
dgEnReadingRecord Represents an error reading a record. 1115
dgEnRemoveBaseFile Represents an error where a base file cannot be replaced. 1129
dgEnRemoveLogicalFile Represents an error where a logical file cannot be replaced. 1130
dgEnSeparatorExpected Represents an error where a separator was expected. 1111
dgEnTextFile Represents an error with a text file. 1107
dgEnTimeExpected Represents an error where a time value was expected. 1124
dgEnTimestampExpected Represents an error where a time-stamp value was expected. 1125
dgEnToFileNotCrt Represents an error where the to-file was not created. 1119
dgEnToFileNotFnd Represents an error where the to-file was not found. 1118
dgEnUnknown Represents an unknown error. 1101
dgEOBSOLETE Represents an error where a facility was deprecated several releases ago, and is not supported anymore. 17
dgEOK Not really an error, operation went OK. -1
dgEOLDSERVER Represents an operation not supported on an old server error. 14
dgEpAPXEXTERN Represents an error where the Apx Externalize method failed. 759
dgEpAPXGETPROP Represents an error where the Apx GetProp method failed. 761
dgEpAPXMATER Represents an error where the Apx Materialize method failed. 758
dgEpAPXMETHOD Represents an error where the Apx method failed. 757
dgEpAPXPRINT Represents an error where the Apx Print method failed. 762
dgEpAPXSETPROP Represents an error where the Apx SetProp method failed. 760
dgEpBADPARMDIR Represents an error where an invalid Parameter Direction was provided. 709
dgEpCRTDC Represents an error where the print DC creation failed. 753
dgEpINITAPXFAILED Represents an error where InitApx failed. 756
dgEpINITAPXNOTFND Represents an error where InitApx was not found. 755
dgEpINVPARMCOUNT Represents an error where an invalid parameter count was supplied on a Remote Program Call. 705
dgEpINVPARMTYPE Represents an error where an invalid parameter type was supplied on a Remote Program Call. 703
dgEpLIBNOTFND Represents an error where the Apx library was not found. 754
dgEpMEMEXCEPTION Represents an error where a memory exception occurred in a Remote Program Call, possibly due to a parameter mismatch. 708
dgEpOPENPRINT Represents an error where opening the printer failed. 774
dgEpOPENSPLVIEWER Represents an error where opening the print previewer failed. 775
dgEpPARMTYPENOTSUP Represents an error where the parameter type is not supported on a Remote Program Call. 704
dgEpPGMERR Represents an error where the program encountered an error. 702
dgEpPGMNOTFND Represents an error where the program was not found. 701
dgEpPRINTNOTFND Represents an error where the printer was not found. 751
dgEpPROMPTCANCEL Represents an error where the print prompter was canceled. 763
dgEpPROMPTFAILED Represents an error where the print prompter failed. 752
dgEPRINT Represents print errors. 750
dgEpSERVERTOOOLD Represents an error where the print file’s version is newer than the server; an updated server is required for access. 764
dgEpSPOOLBADPAGE Represents an error where the spool file is corrupted and has an invalid spool page format. 773
dgEpSPOOLCREATE Represents an error where the spool file could not be created. 765
dgEpSPOOLNODM Represents an error where the spool file is corrupted and has no device mode. 769
dgEpSPOOLNOHEAD Represents an error where the spool file is corrupted and has no header. 768
dgEpSPOOLNOPAGE Represents an error where the spool file is corrupted and has no full page. 772
dgEpSPOOLNOSD Represents an error where the spool file is corrupted and has no start of document. 770
dgEpSPOOLNOSP Represents an error where the spool file is corrupted and has no start of page. 771
dgEpSPOOLREOPEN Represents an error where reopening the spool file failed. 767
dgEpSPOOLWRITE Represents an error where writing to the spool file failed. 766
dgEpTOOFEWPARMS Represents an error where not enough parameters were provided on a Remote Program Call. 706
dgEpTOOMANYPARMS Represents an error where too many parameters were provided on a Remote Program Call. 707
dgEqBLOCKDIRCHNG Represents an error where SQL Server does not support changing sequential read direction while employing network blocks. 1524
dgEqCOLLSYSVAL Represents an error where the “New Column Collation” system value does not correspond to an available collation. 1530
dgEqCONNECTION Represents an error where the connection to SQL Server cannot be restored. 1509
dgEqDMOERROR Represents a DMO Error received from MS SQL Server. 1518
dgEqDUPOWNOBJ Represents an error where an object by that owner already exists. 1511
dgEqEXECUTION Represents a query execution error or an inaccessible database. 1508
dgEqINVALIDOBJECT Represents an error where DMO: OLE object is not (or is no longer) valid in SQLDMO. 1502
dgEqINVALIDOBJECTDEFINITION Represents an error where an attempt was made to create an object but its definition were incomplete or inconsistent. 1503
dgEqINVALIDPARAMETER Represents an error where an invalid parameter passed to a method or property, or other unexpected condition. 1504
dgEqINVALIDPLATFORM Represents an error where the connected SQL Server or Client are of an invalid version, or no SQL-DMO server support. 1505
dgEqINVHASHCONFIG Represents an error where the “# Prefix Substitution” system value is invalid; use a string that does not begin with the ‘#’ character. 1531
dgEqINVMMCONV Represents an error where a file with a single member cannot be converted to one supporting multiple members. 1528
dgEqINVMMVAL Represents an error where the specified maximum member value is not valid because the file already contains more members. 1529
dgEqINVMULTMBR Represents an error where with the DSS multi-member feature enabled, Join Logical file definitions only support the ‘maximum members=1’ attribute. 1527
dgEqINVOPFIELDREF Represents an error where an invalid operation against special file ‘*FIELDREF’ was attempted. 1513
dgEqINVORDERBYIDX Represents an error where SELECT statements with the ORDER BY clause are not allowed in INDEXED logical files. 1525
dgEqINVSQLSYN Represents an error where there is incorrect syntax in internally generated SQL statement. 1514
dgEqINVSQLVER Represents an error where an invalid SQL Server version is used. SQL Server 2000 or above required. 1523
dgEqINVUSRSQLSYN Represents an error where there is incorrect syntax in user provided SQL statement. 1515
dgEqINVUSRTYPE Represents an error where one or more *FIELDREF fields could not be created as user defined types. 1526
dgEqITEMNOTFOUND Represents an error where the named object was not found. 1506
dgEqKEYNAMENOTINBASE Represents an error where a key field must be based on a physical field with the same name. 1516
dgEqMAXCOLS Represents an error where SQL Server supports a maximum of 1024 columns (fields). 1520
dgEqMAXKEYS Represents an error where SQL Server supports a maximum of 32 key fields per index. 1521
dgEqNOCONVERSION Represents an error where a field type is not supported. Ensure there is no ‘Image’ or ‘Text’ columns, if any, build a logical without them. 1522
dgEqNOMULTIFMT Represents an error where SQL Server does not support multi-format files. 1519
dgEqNOSQLSERVER Represents an error where SQL Server does not exist or access is denied. 1501
dgEqOLEDBERROR Represents an OLE DB Error received from MS SQL Server. 1517
dgEqRESOURCE Represents an error where there are insufficient resources either locally or on the server. 1510
dgEqSQLUNKNOWN Represents uninterpreted SQL Server errors. 1512
dgEqUNPRIVILEGEDLOGIN Represents an error where the current login does not have sufficient privilege to perform the requested operation. 1507
dgEr2FEWJOINS Represents an error where there are too few JoinDefs. 516
dgEr2MANYFLDS Represents an error where too many fields are in the JoinDef. 506
dgErADENOTFND Represents an error where the active dictionary entry was not found. 519
dgErBADSRC Represents an error with a bad base field, format or file. 501
dgErBASFILENOTFND Represents an error where the base file was not found. 524
dgErBASMBRNOTFND Represents an error where the base source member was not found. 522
dgErCRTADE Represents an error creating an active dictionary entry. 518
dgEREPOSITORY Represents repository access errors. 500
dgErFDNOCHG Represents an error where the FileDef cannot be changed. 517
dgErINVDUPFLD Represents an error where the duplicate field was not found in the format. 512
dgErINVSECFLD Represents an error where the secondary field was not found in the format. 511
dgErINVSELFLD Represents an error where the selector field was not found in the format. 510
dgErINVTYPE Represents an error with an invalid type. 502
dgErJFLDCONFL Represents an error with conflicting join field types. 521
dgErJOINNOSTATIC Represents an error where join files can’t have static select/omits. 520
dgErJSECKEY Represents an error with an invalid key for join file, the key field used is from a secondary file. 523
dgErNODUPNAME Represents an error where no duplicate field name was specified. 509
dgErNOSECNAME Represents an error where no secondary field name was specified. 508
dgErNOSELFLDS Represents an error where no selector fields were specified. 505
dgErNOSELNAME Represents an error where no selector field name was specified. 507
dgErNOSEQJOIN Represents an error where the JoinDef is out of sequence. 514
dgErNOTJOINED Represents an error where the file is not joined. 515
dgErSECNOTDEF Represents an error where the secondary file is not defined. 504
dgErSELNOTDEF Represents an error where the selector file is not defined yet. 503
dgErTYPECONFL Represents an error with conflicting field types. 513
dgEsADOPCODE Represents an error where there is an invalid or missing *SQLCLIENT license key. 1229
dgEsADOTRLEXP Represents an error where the *SQCLIENT license has expired. 1230
dgEsALLOCERRCONVTYP Represents an allocate error for a conversation type. 837
dgEsALLOCERRNORETRY Represents an allocate error with no retry. 831
dgEsALLOCERRPGMNOTAVAILNR Represents an allocate error where the program is not available with no retry. 833
dgEsALLOCERRPGMNOTAVAILR Represents an allocate error where the program is not available with retry. 835
dgEsALLOCERRPIPNOTALLOWED Represents an allocate error where the PIP is not allowed. 838
dgEsALLOCERRPIPNOTCORRECT Represents an allocate error where the PIP is not correct. 839
dgEsALLOCERRRETRY Represents an allocate error with retry. 832
dgEsALLOCERRSECNOTVALID Represents an allocate error where the sec is not valid. 836
dgEsALLOCERRSYNCHLEVEL Represents an allocate error for a sync level. 840
dgEsALLOCERRTPNNOTRECOG Represents an allocate error where the transaction program is not recognized. 834
dgEsAPPCBUSY Represents an APPC Busy status. 809
dgEsAS400ERROR Represents an error where the error text is contained in extended error info. 1301
dgEscBADFRAME Represents an error where there is an NTLM protected message error. See server logs for details. 1902
dgEscBINDPWDDA Represents an error where the EIM Simple Bind password data area is not accessible; cannot map client to a User Profile. 1904
dgEscEIMSSLCONFIG Represents an error where the EIM SSL data area is not accessible; cannot map client to a User Profile. 1905
dgEsCONVTABLEFULL Represents an error where the conversation table is full. 845
dgEscSSO Represents next-gen *DOMAIN support. 1900
dgEscSSPIQUERY Represents an error where Windows Security Support Provider query fails. Check server logs. 1901
dgEsDEALLOCABENDPROGRAM Represents a deallocate error where the program abnormally ends. 841
dgEsDEALLOCNORMAL Represents a normal deallocation status. 802
dgEsDUPSTRM Represents a duplicate stream error. 301
dgESERVEXCEPTION Represents an unexpected exception on the server error. 13
dgEsHDRCORRUPT Represents an error where the header in the APPC packet is corrupted. 854
dgEsINSUFFICIENTMEMORY Represents an error where there is insufficient memory. 842
dgEsINVALIDCREDS Represents an error where the database logon credentials are invalid. 855
dgEsINVALIDLUNAME Represents an error where the LU name is invalid. 852
dgEsINVALIDPASSWORDLEN Represents an error where the password length is invalid. 851
dgEsINVALIDREQ Represents an error where an invalid request 1 was received by the license manager. 1206
dgEsINVALIDSUR Represents an error where an invalid request 2 was received by the license manager. 1207
dgEsINVALIDUSERIDLEN Represents an error where the user ID length is invalid. 850
dgEsINVSRLNBR Represents an invalid serial number error. 1203
dgEsLICSRVRFAIL Represents an error where a DSS License cannot be obtained: Server execution failed. 1227
dgEsLMERR01 Represents a license manager recovery error 1. 1212
dgEsLMERR02 Represents a license manager database error 2. 1213
dgEsLMERR03 Represents a license manager recovery error 3. 1214
dgEsLMERR04 Represents a license manager recovery error 4. 1215
dgEsLMERR05 Represents a license manager recovery error 5. 1216
dgEsLMERR06 Represents a license manager recovery error 6. 1217
dgEsLMERR07 Represents a license manager error 7. 1218
dgEsLMERR08 Represents a license manager error 8. 1219
dgEsLMMUTEX Represents an error where the license manager service is not accessible. 1208
dgEsLMPID Represents an error where the license manager service is not started. 1211
dgEsLMSTART Represents an error where the license manager service is not synchronized. 1210
dgEsLMSYNCDQ Represents an error where the license manager service sync object creation failed. 1209
dgEsLMSYNCDQD Represents an error where the license manager PID data area could not be deleted. 1223
dgEsMEMORYALLOCERROR Represents a memory allocation error. 843
dgEsMTSFAILHT Represents an error where the CPU count is not available on this system. 1228
dgEsMTSPCODE Represents an error where there is an invalid or missing ADB multi-tier license. 1220
dgEsMTSPRCCNT Represents an error where the ADB multi-tier license processor count is exceeded. 1222
dgEsMTSTRLEXP Represents an error where the ADB multi-tier license has expired. 1221
dgEsNLSCODEPAGE Represents an error where the registry cannot be accessed to determine platform character encoding. 1303
dgEsNOCODEPAGE Represents an error where the server is not configured for the requested character set. 1304
dgEsNODBCSCONV Represents an error where DBCS translation is not supported for given CCSIDs. 1302
dgEsNOLICDLL Represents an error where the license DLL is not registered or missing. 1224
dgEsNOLICSRVR Represents an error where a connection to the database server cannot be established. The server may be shut down, there may be a network hardware problem, there may be no common transports, or the server may not exist. 1225
dgEsNOPRODUCT Represents an error where the specified licensed product is not available. 1226
dgEsOK Represents a status of OK. 801
dgEsPARMCHKBADDEALLOCTYPE Represents a parameter check error for a bad deallocate type. 820
dgEsPARMCHKBADFILLTYPE Represents a parameter check error for a bad fill type. 822
dgEsPARMCHKBADPARTNERNAME Represents a parameter check error for a bad partner name. 818
dgEsPARMCHKBADRETURNCTRL Represents a parameter check error for a bad return control. 816
dgEsPARMCHKBADSYNCLVLALLOC Represents a parameter check error for a bad sync level allocated. 815
dgEsPARMCHKBUFFERCROSSSEG Represents a parameter check error where the buffer crosses a segment. 812
dgEsPARMCHKCONFNOTALLOWED Represents a parameter check error where the configuration is not allowed. 819
dgEsPARMCHKINVALIDCONVERID Represents a parameter check error for an invalid conversation Id. 811
dgEsPARMCHKINVALIDVERB Represents a parameter check error for an invalid verb. 810
dgEsPARMCHKINVCONVERTYPE Represents a parameter check error for an invalid conversation type. 814
dgEsPARMCHKPIPTOOLONG Represents a parameter check error where the PIP is too long. 817
dgEsPARMCHKPREPTORCVTYPE Represents a parameter check error for a prepare to receive type. 821
dgEsPARMCHKRECMAXLEN Represents a parameter check error for a record maximum length. 823
dgEsPARMCHKRESFLDNOTZERO Represents a parameter check error where the result field is not zero. 825
dgEsPARMCHKTPNAMELENGTH Represents a parameter check error for a transaction program name length. 813
dgEsPARMCHKUNKNOWNSECTYPE Represents a parameter check error for an unknown sec type. 824
dgEsPCODE Represents an error where there is an invalid or missing ADB server license. Use Registration Assistant to verify/install a valid license key. 1205
dgEsPCSWINNOTLOADED Represents an error where PCSWIN is not loaded. 848
dgEsPCSWINOUTOFMEMORY Represents an error where PCSWIN is out of memory. 849
dgEsPROGRAMERRNOTRUNCATION Represents a program error with no truncation. 803
dgEsPROGRAMERRPURGING Represents a program error with purging. 805
dgEsPROGRAMERRTRUNCATION Represents a program error with truncation. 804
dgESQLSERVER Represents SQL Server native errors. 1500
dgEsRESOURCEFAILURENORETRY Represents a resource failure with no retry. 807
dgEsRESOURCEFAILURERETRY Represents a resource failure with retry. 806
dgEsROUTERNOTINSTALLED Represents an error where the router is not installed. 846
dgEsROUTERWRONGLEVEL Represents an error where the router is at the wrong level. 847
dgEssCERTAUTHORITY Represents an error where a certificate authority chain error occurred. 1814
dgEssCERTREVOKED Represents an error where chain contains one or more revoked certificate errors. 1815
dgEssCERTSTOREDA Represents an error where the certificate store configuration data areas are not found or are invalid. 1812
dgEssCERTSTOREPW Represents an error where it cannot open the certificate store credential evidence object. 1813
dgEssDNSFAIL Represents an error where DNS query failed during SSL connection verification of server hostname. 1811
dgEssDOWNLVLCLIENT Represents an error where server requirements for secure connection (SSL) are not met by this connection. 1801
dgEssDOWNLVLSERVER Represents an error where the server does not meet requirements for requested secure connection (SSL). 1802
dgEssINVALIDOPTS Represents an error where for secure connections, either “request” or “require” options must be specified. 1805
dgESSL Represents SSL support errors. 1800
dgEssNOCERTIFICATE Represents an error where an SSL connection was initiated, but the server did not provide a valid certificate. 1810
dgEssNOCLEARTEXT Represents an error where this connection configuration does not permit access to servers that allow non-secure connections (SSL). 1803
dgEssNODNSMATCH Represents an error where the server’s SSL certificate subject name does not match the server’s DNS host name. 1808
dgEssNOLOCALCERT Represents an error where no certificate exists in the user’s local store corresponding to the server’s SSL certificate. 1807
dgEssNONAMEMATCH Represents an error where the server’s SSL certificate subject name does not match the name specified in the connection options. 1809
dgEssSCHANNELNEG Represents an error where the Schannel security provider SSL negotiation failed. Check DataGate Server logs for details. 1806
dgEsSTATECHKNOTINCONFSTAT Represents a state check error where it’s not in configuration stat. 826
dgEsSTATECHKNOTINRECEIVE Represents a state check error where it’s not in receive. 827
dgEsSTATECHKREQSNDBADSTAT Represents a state check error where the request to send is in a bad state. 828
dgEsSTATECHKSNDERRBADSTAT Represents a state check error where send error is in a bad state. 830
dgEsSTATECHKSNDINBADSTATE Represents a state check error where send is in a bad state. 829
dgEsSTRMNOTOPEN Represents an error where the stream is not open. 302
dgEssUKNOWNLEVEL Represents an error where the server’s connection security level (SSL) is higher than supported by this version of DataGate. 1804
dgEsTOOMANYCONVERSATIONS Represents an error where there are too many conversations. 844
dgESTREAM Represents stream errors. 300
dgEsTRLEXP Represents an error where the ADB server license has expired. 1201
dgEsUNDEFINED Represents an undefined error. 853
dgEsUNSUCCESSFUL Represents an unsuccessful status. 808
dgESUPERVISOR Represents supervisor errors. 1000
dgEsUSRCNT Represents an error where the user count is exceeded. 1204
dgESYSTEM Represents system dependent errors. 1300
dgETCPIP Represents TCP/IP errors. 900
dgEUNKNOWN Represents an unknown error. 1
dgExDENIED Represents an error where access to this function is denied by exit program security; permission may be obtained from your database system administrator. 1602
dgExINVLIC Represents an error where the exit point support license is not found or invalid. 1603
dgEXITPROG Represents AS/400 exit points. 1600
dgExMISSING Represents an error where the registered exit program is not found. 1601

Example. Showing more details when opening a file fails due to Member or File not found.

  AdgConnection db = new AdgConnection("*Public/DG NET Local");
  FileAdapter dbFile = new FileAdapter(db, "*Libl/CMASTNEWL1", "CMMASTERL1");
  dbFile.AccessMode = AccessMode.Read;

  AdgDataSet myDS = null;
      dbFile.OpenNewAdgDataSet(out myDS);
  catch(dgException dgEx)
      /* There are many reasons why opening a file can fail. Here, we
       * catch some of the more general ones. */
      if (dgEx.Error == dgErrorNumber.dgEmMNOTFND)
          MessageBox.Show("Member " + dbFile.MemberName + " not found!", "Error opening file");
      else if (dgEx.Error == dgErrorNumber.dgEmFNOTFND)
          MessageBox.Show("File " + dbFile.FileName + " not found!", "Error opening file");
          MessageBox.Show(dgEx.Message, "Error opening file");
          //Exit procedure here.

  /* Do some action here. */
