dgErrorNumber enum | QSYS API Reference Guide
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Represents the different error numbers generated as a result of Acceler8DB or Datagate/400 server errors. These errors occur programmatically on the server computer to indicate a condition. In general, these are “true errors”, and only in a few cases do they signify a normal condition.
Namespace: ASNA.DataGate.Common
Assembly: ASNA.QSys.DataGate.Client.dll
Enum Values
Name | Description | Value |
dgALTXLAT | Represents alternate encoding text translation support errors. | 1700 |
dgEaBADACCESS | Represents a bad access error. | 110 |
dgEaBADFARM | Represents a bad farm error. | 132 |
dgEaBADFD | Represents a bad file descriptor error. | 109 |
dgEaBADFRMT | Represents an invalid format error. | 125 |
dgEaBADFRMTID | Represents a bad format ID error. | 123 |
dgEaBADGROVE | Represents a bad grove error. | 112 |
dgEaBADIDX | Represents a bad index error. | 131 |
dgEaBADREC | Represents a bad record error. | 105 |
dgEaBUSYFILE | Represents a file is busy error. | 107 |
dgEaBUSYREC | Represents a record is busy error. | 108 |
dgEACCESS | Represents access errors. | 100 |
dgEaCORRFARM | Represents an error where the data file is corrupted (File Length not multiple of Record Length). | 138 |
dgEaCORRNODE | Represents a corrupted node encounter error. | 135 |
dgEaDEADLOCK | Represents a deadlock error. | 114 |
dgEaDUPKEY | Represents a duplicate key error. | 101 |
dgEaEOF | Represents an end of file error. | 106 |
dgEaIDXFNOTFND | Represents an index file not found error. | 134 |
dgEaIDXNOTFND | Represents an index not found error. | 113 |
dgEaINTERRUPT | Represents an interrupt received error. | 120 |
dgEaINVARG | Represents an invalid access argument error. | 111 |
dgEaINVBFOPEN | Represents a blocking factor attribute not allowed with files opened for output error. | 133 |
dgEaINVDATETIMEDATA | Represents an error where the contents of date/time field has invalid data format. | 142 |
dgEaINVDMOP | Represents an invalid operation on database open exclusively for monitoring error. | 136 |
dgEaINVFTOP | Represents an invalid operation for file type error. | 130 |
dgEaINVINST | Represents an invalid instruction error. | 129 |
dgEaINVJOINCURSOR | Represents an error where an invalid ServerCursor was selected for Join File in SQL Server. | 147 |
dgEaINVLOCKTOGGLE | Represents an error where it’s not possible to toggle Lock/NoLock record on sequential read in SQL Server. | 146 |
dgEaINVMANLOCKS | Represents an error where DG on SQL Server does not support opening files with Manual Locks, use Automatic Locks. | 145 |
dgEaINVMODE | Represents an invalid mode error. | 122 |
dgEaINVNOLOCK | Represents an error where NoLock reads on update files are not supported in SQL Server. | 141 |
dgEaINVNUMERICDATA | Represents an error where the contents of numeric field has invalid data format. | 143 |
dgEaINVTYPE | Represents an invalid type error. | 102 |
dgEaIOERROR | Represents an I/O error. | 117 |
dgEaKEYNOTFND | Represents an error where the key field is not found. | 139 |
dgEaMAXFILES | Represents a maximum files opened error. | 119 |
dgEaNEEDFRMT | Represents a need format for this operation error. | 126 |
dgEaNOCURR | Represents a no current record error. | 116 |
dgEaNOFILE | Represents a file not found error. | 118 |
dgEaNOLOCK | Represents a record not locked by caller error. | 115 |
dgEaNOSPACE | Represents a no space available error. | 121 |
dgEaNOTFND | Represents a not found error. | 103 |
dgEaNOTINDEX | Represents a not open for index access error. | 124 |
dgEaNOTINDEXED | Represents an error where an attempt was made to open a non-indexed file for index processing. | 140 |
dgEaNOTUPD | Represents an error where the file is not open for update operations. | 144 |
dgEAPPC | Represents APPC Errors. | 800 |
dgEaRECDEL | Represents a record deleted error. | 104 |
dgEaRECPREVLCK | Represents an error where the record is already locked to this job. | 137 |
dgEaSTKOVF | Represents a stack overflow error. | 127 |
dgEaSTKUNF | Represents a stack underflow error. | 128 |
dgEbINVALIDFACT | Represents an error where the configured alternate text translation provider is invalid. | 1703 |
dgEbMISSFACT | Represents an error where the configured alternate text translation provider type is not found. | 1702 |
dgEbNOFACTORY | Represents an error where there is a configured alternate text translation provider loading error. | 1701 |
dgEcADDIDX | Represents an error adding an index. | 407 |
dgECALLPARM | Represents call/parameter errors. | 700 |
dgECATALOG | Represents a catalog error. | 50 |
dgEcBADREFFILE | Represents an error where the field reference file must be a physical file. | 430 |
dgEcBADSRC | Represents a bad source error. | 401 |
dgEccIOERR | Represents an error where an unrecoverable I/O error occurred in commit/rollback operation. | 1402 |
dgEccIORECERR | Represents an error where a recoverable I/O error occurred in commit/rollback operation. | 1401 |
dgEcCLONEDFORMAT | Represents an error where the format has a fixed set of fields, those of the base file. | 428 |
dgEcCRTACF | Represents an error creating an access file. | 406 |
dgEcCRTACP | Represents an error creating an access program. | 418 |
dgEcFLDEXISTS | Represents an error where a field already exists in the format. | 419 |
dgEcFLDINVDEC | Represents an invalid field decimal error. | 416 |
dgEcFLDINVFMT | Represents an invalid field format error. | 422 |
dgEcFLDINVINT | Represents an invalid field integral error. | 417 |
dgEcFLDINVLEN | Represents an invalid field length error. | 415 |
dgEcFLDNOTFND | Represents a field not found error. | 414 |
dgEcFLDTYPENONNULL | Represents an error where the field type is not null capable. | 433 |
dgEcFORMATEXISTS | Represents an error where a format already exists in the file. | 421 |
dgEcFORMATNOTFND | Represents a format not found error. | 420 |
dgECHANBUSY | Represents a channel busy error. | 10 |
dgEcINVCONCAT | Represents an invalid CONCAT definition error. | 440 |
dgEcINVCONST | Represents an invalid constant error. | 408 |
dgEcINVCONSTLEN | Represents an invalid constant length error. | 409 |
dgEcINVDER | Represents an invalid derivation error. | 423 |
dgEcINVDERDBCS | Represents an invalid derivation, base field length invalid error. | 427 |
dgEcINVDERDEC | Represents an invalid derivation, decimals not 0 error. | 425 |
dgEcINVDERSIZ | Represents an invalid derivation, sizes don’t match error. | 424 |
dgEcINVFILETYPE | Represents an error where the file type is not recognized as valid. | 439 |
dgEcINVFLDREMAP | Represents an error where a field cannot be remapped in the file description. | 441 |
dgEcINVINST | Represents an invalid instruction error. | 404 |
dgEcINVJOINLEN | Represents an error where fields in join definition exceed key length supported by the platform. | 435 |
dgEcINVKEYFORFILE | Represents an error where the key usage is invalid for this file type. | 432 |
dgEcINVKEYLEN | Represents an error where the key length is longer than supported by the platform. | 434 |
dgEcINVKEYREMAP | Represents an error where a key cannot be remapped in the file description. | 442 |
dgEcINVOPTYPE | Represents an invalid operation for field type error. | 426 |
dgEcNEWVERSION | Represents an error where the file definition version is newer than supported by this release. | 431 |
dgEcNONULLSUPPORT | Represents an error where null fields are not supported by the server. | 437 |
dgEcNOREFFILE | Represents a field reference file not found error. | 429 |
dgEcNOTALL | Represents an error where not all fields could be processed. | 436 |
dgEcNOVARLENSUPPORT | Represents an error where variable length fields are not supported by the server. | 438 |
dgEcNUMEXP | Represents an error where a number was expected. | 402 |
dgECOMMAND | Represents command errors. | 1100 |
dgECOMMITCTL | Represents commitment control errors. | 1400 |
dgECOMPILER | Represents compiler errors. | 400 |
dgEcOPEREXP | Represents an error where an operand was expected. | 411 |
dgEcOPNACF | Represents an error opening an access file. | 405 |
dgEcOPNTYPE | Represents an operand type error. | 403 |
dgEcQUOTEXP | Represents an error where a quotation was expected. | 412 |
dgEcRPAREXP | Represents an error where a ‘)’ was expected. | 410 |
dgEcSQL400FILE | Represents an error where SQL logical files are not supported. | 443 |
dgEcSQLROFIELD | Represents an error where SQL table read-only fields are only supported for 0-decimal numeric types. | 444 |
dgEcVAREXP | Represents an error where a variable was expected. | 413 |
dgEdbBADLIBL | Represents an error where the library list has a bad format. | 1027 |
dgEdbCONVUNAVAIL | Represents an error where CCSID conversion is unavailable. | 1012 |
dgEdbDGMEMSRV | Represents an error where the dgmemsrv process could not be created. | 1004 |
dgEdbDUPDB | Represents an error where a duplicate database was found. | 1013 |
dgEdbDUPLIBLE | Represents an error where a duplicate library list entry was found. | 1022 |
dgEdbEXCLUSIVE | Represents an error where the database is locked for exclusive use. | 1020 |
dgEdbLIMIT | Represents an error where too many databases are registered. | 1003 |
dgEdbMAPCREATE | Represents an error where the registry shared memory file creation failed. | 1007 |
dgEdbMAPOPEN | Represents an error where the registry shared memory open operation failed. | 1006 |
dgEdbMAPVIEW | Represents an error where the registry shared memory view mapping failed. | 1008 |
dgEdbMAXLIBL | Represents an error where the library list reached its maximum capacity. | 1023 |
dgEdbMUTEXNOTFOUND | Represents an error where the system mutex object was not found. | 1001 |
dgEdbMUTEXWAIT | Represents an error where the database startup procedure failed due to a system mutex wait error. | 1002 |
dgEdbNODBCSSUPP | Represents an error where DBCS is unsupported in this version. | 1011 |
dgEdbNODBNAME | Represents an error where the database name was not found. | 1019 |
dgEdbNOINITLIBL | Represents an error where the initial library list was not set. | 1021 |
dgEdbNOLABEL | Represents an error where the requested database label doesn’t exist. | 1016 |
dgEdbNOLIBL | Represents an error where the library list was not found. | 1026 |
dgEdbNOQCCSID | Represents an error where the QCCSID system value could not be retrieved. | 1010 |
dgEdbNOREPAIR | Represents an error where dgFixDB wouldn’t start. | 1015 |
dgEdbNOTALLLIBL | Represents an error where at least one library was not set in the library list. | 1025 |
dgEdbNOTINLIBL | Represents an error where a library was not found in the library list. | 1024 |
dgEdbREGCREATE | Represents a system error creating the database label. | 1014 |
dgEdbREGDELETEDB | Represents an error where the operation did not complete; the registry entries could not be removed. | 1017 |
dgEdbREGDENIED | Represents an error where there are insufficient access permissions on the registry. | 1018 |
dgEdbREGFILEDIR | Represents an error where the registration file directory was not found. | 1005 |
dgEdbSYNC | Represents an error where unprotected registry access is not allowed. | 1009 |
dgEDELERROR | Represents a delete error. | 3 |
dgEDEVICENAME | Represents an error where the device name is not available. | 20 |
dgEEXCEPTION | Represents an unexpected exception error. | 9 |
dgEEXPANDFS | Represents an expand file system error. | 5 |
dgEfirstError | Represents the first error. | 0 |
dgEgBADAP | Represents a bad access program stream error. | 53 |
dgEgBADATTR | Represents a bad creation attribute stream error. | 59 |
dgEgBADAUTH | Represents an error where the authorization record is bad. | 77 |
dgEgBADDEPEND | Represents a bad dependency stream error. | 67 |
dgEgBADEXT | Represents a bad extension stream error. | 69 |
dgEgBADFARM | Represents a bad farm stream error. | 65 |
dgEgBADFDEF | Represents a bad file definition stream error. | 55 |
dgEgBADGROVE | Represents a bad grove stream error. | 63 |
dgEgBADMATTER | Represents a bad matter stream error. | 61 |
dgEgBADPP | Represents a bad path program stream error. | 57 |
dgEgBADREL | Represents a bad relations stream error. | 51 |
dgEgBADTEXT | Represents a bad text stream error. | 71 |
dgEgCANTAUTH | Represents an error where the system could not add a security record. | 76 |
dgEgCORRFDEFC | Represents an error where the file definition cache member is corrupt. | 84 |
dgEgINVVOLPATH | Represents an error where the volume directory path is invalid. | 81 |
dgEgNEWDB | Represents an error where the database is newer than supported by this version. | 74 |
dgEgNOAP | Represents an error where no access program stream exists. | 54 |
dgEgNOATTR | Represents an error where no creation attribute stream exists. | 60 |
dgEgNOAUTHLOCK | Represents an error where the system could not lock the security record. | 79 |
dgEgNOCATALOG | Represents an error where the database’s catalog could not be opened. | 75 |
dgEgNODBAUTH | Represents an error where the user is not authorized to the database. | 80 |
dgEgNODEPEND | Represents an error where no dependency stream exists. | 68 |
dgEgNOEXT | Represents an error where no extension stream exists. | 70 |
dgEgNOFARM | Represents an error where no farm stream exists. | 66 |
dgEgNOFDEF | Represents an error where no file definition stream exists. | 56 |
dgEgNOGROVE | Represents an error where no grove stream exists. | 64 |
dgEgNOMATTER | Represents an error where no matter stream exists. | 62 |
dgEgNONSECUREDB | Represents an error where the database is not secure. | 78 |
dgEgNOPP | Represents an error where no path program stream exists. | 58 |
dgEgNOREL | Represents an error where no relations exist. | 52 |
dgEgNOTEXT | Represents an error where no text stream exists. | 72 |
dgEgOLDDB | Represents an error where the database is older than supported by this version. | 73 |
dgEgOSNOTSECURE | Represents an error where a secure database was attempted to be opened from an insecure operating system. | 83 |
dgEgVOLNOTSECURE | Represents an error where the volume’s file system is not secure capable. | 82 |
dgEiCONNLOST | Represents an error where the TCP/IP Connection was terminated unexpectedly. The Server was probably shut down. | 913 |
dgEiDG8START | Represents an error where the Datagate job could not be started; check DG8SVCPRF job spooled-file output and user profile settings. | 914 |
dgEiHOSTNOTFND | Represents an error where the remote TCP/IP host was not found. | 908 |
dgEiNETDOWN | Represents an error where the TCP/IP Network subsystem has failed. | 910 |
dgEiNETUNREACH | Represents an error where the TCP/IP network could not be reached from this machine. | 911 |
dgEiNOBIND | Represents an error where a socket cannot be bound. | 902 |
dgEiNORESPONSE | Represents an error where the Server Machine or the ADB/DG Service did not respond. | 912 |
dgEiNORMTTCPIPSUPPORT | Represents an error where connecting to a remote database with TCP/IP is not supported on this platform. | 906 |
dgEiNOSERVER | Represents an error where a connection to the database server cannot be established. | 903 |
dgEiNOSOCKET | Represents an error where a socket cannot be obtained. | 901 |
dgEINTERNAL | Represents an internal error. | 7 |
dgEINVARG | Represents an invalid argument error. | 8 |
dgEINVHANDLE | Represents an invalid handle error. | 6 |
dgEINVPLATFORM | Represents an error where the platform SQL Server is not supported with this version. | 18 |
dgEiRESOLVER | Represents a TCP/IP resolver error. | 909 |
dgEiSERVERSTART | Represents an error where the database server process could not be started. | 905 |
dgEiSOCKETIO | Represents a socket I/O error. | 904 |
dgEiTCPDOWN | Represents an error where the TCP/IP subsystem is not currently available. | 907 |
dgEiTLNTCNCT | Represents an error where a connection to the DataGate/400 host’s TELNET server could not be established. | 915 |
dgEiTLNTPORT | Represents an error where the port of the connected TELNET socket could not be obtained. | 916 |
dgELastError | Represents the last error. | 1906 |
dgELICENSE | Represents license management errors. | 1200 |
dgEm400OBJNAMELEN | Represents an error where object names on this database server may not exceed 10 characters in length. | 672 |
dgEmANOTFND | Represents an error where the access path was not found. | 605 |
dgEmARCCHKSUMWRONG | Represents an error where the archive checksum is wrong, indicating the archive is corrupted. | 651 |
dgEmARCFAILI | Represents an error where data could not be restored due to an input error. | 649 |
dgEmARCFAILO | Represents an error where data could not be saved due to an output error. | 650 |
dgEmBADARCHTYPE | Represents an error where the Archive Type is not supported. | 674 |
dgEmBADCAT | Represents an error where the catalog is broken. | 634 |
dgEmBADFRMTID | Represents an error where the base file has an invalid format ID. | 637 |
dgEmBASENOTPH | Represents an error where the base file is not physical. | 638 |
dgEmBUSYOBJ | Represents an error where the Object is Busy. | 681 |
dgEmCANCEL | Represents an error where the operation was canceled by the user. | 673 |
dgEmCLIENTNOTFND | Represents an error where the Client was not found. | 679 |
dgEmCORRDATFIL | Represents an error where corrupted system data was encountered in a member. Retry after using ADB Database Manager’s Fix Index tool. | 648 |
dgEmCORRENV | Represents an error where the environment is corrupted. | 612 |
dgEmCRTSHM | Represents an error creating the Shared Memory File. | 668 |
dgEmCRTSHMLOCK | Represents an error where the Shared Memory File cannot be created because it is locked by another program. | 666 |
dgEmCRTSHMMAP | Represents an error creating the Shared Memory File Mapping. | 669 |
dgEmCRTSHMPATH | Represents an error where the Shared Memory File cannot be created because the path to the database doesn’t exist. | 667 |
dgEmDIRNOTEMPTY | Represents an error where the directory is not empty. | 644 |
dgEmDIRTYENV | Represents an error where the environment is dirty. | 611 |
dgEmDNOTFND | Represents an error where the directory was not found. | 602 |
dgEmDUPINDEX | Represents an error where the index is a duplicate. | 623 |
dgEmDUPNOTFND | Represents an error where the duplicate base was not found. | 636 |
dgEmDUPOBJ | Represents an error where the object is a duplicate. | 606 |
dgEmEMPTYARC | Represents an error where an empty archive unit cannot be saved. | 687 |
dgEmENVEXISTS | Represents an error where the environment already exists. | 609 |
dgEmEOFSAVEREST | Represents an error where the end of the save/restore file has been reached. | 615 |
dgEmERRAUTH | Represents an error found when dealing with authority. | 662 |
dgEmFILENOTOPEN | Represents an error where the File is not open. | 680 |
dgEmFNOTFND | Represents an error where the file was not found. | 603 |
dgEMGTOBJ | Represents object management errors. | 600 |
dgEmHASDEPEND | Represents an error where the object has dependents. | 614 |
dgEmINCOMPLETE | Represents an error where the operation did not complete. | 622 |
dgEmINUSEBYYOU | Represents an error where the object is in use by the current user. | 675 |
dgEmINV400OP | Represents an invalid operation against AS/400 server. | 645 |
dgEmINVBASECOUNT | Represents an error where the number of bases is invalid. | 625 |
dgEmINVDIRNAME | Represents an error where the directory name is invalid. | 641 |
dgEmINVFILENAME | Represents an error where the file name is invalid. | 642 |
dgEmINVFOP | Represents an error where the file operation is invalid. | 639 |
dgEmINVMEMBNAME | Represents an error where the member name is invalid. | 640 |
dgEmINVOBJ | Represents an error where the object is invalid. | 607 |
dgEmINVOBJNAME | Represents an error where the object name is invalid. | 643 |
dgEmINVOTYPE | Represents an error where the object type is invalid. | 608 |
dgEmINVOWNER | Represents an error where the owner is invalid. This account may not be assigned as the owner of this object. | 661 |
dgEmINVPRTFILE | Represents an error where the file is not a valid Acceler8DB print file. | 652 |
dgEmINVSQLOP | Represents an invalid operation against SQL Server. | 646 |
dgEmINVTAROBJNAME | Represents an error where the target object name is invalid. | 626 |
dgEmINVUSER | Represents an error where the user account is invalid. | 660 |
dgEmLCKNOTFND | Represents an error where the Object Lock was not found. | 678 |
dgEmLIBLTARGET | Represents an error where *LIBL can’t be the target directory. | 686 |
dgEmMAPSHM | Represents an error mapping view of the Shared Memory File. | 670 |
dgEmMAXMEM | Represents an error where the maximum number of members has been reached. | 624 |
dgEmMAXMERGE | Represents an error where the maximum number of merged members over a physical has been reached. | 632 |
dgEmMISSMATCHBASE | Represents an error where the base member’s file does not match the file’s base. | 647 |
dgEmMNOTFND | Represents an error where the member was not found. | 604 |
dgEmNOBASEAUTH | Represents an error where the user is not authorized to the base object for this operation. | 663 |
dgEmNODIRADD | Represents an error where the user is not authorized to add objects to the directory. | 656 |
dgEmNODIRDEL | Represents an error where the user is not authorized to delete objects from the directory. | 657 |
dgEmNODIRREAD | Represents an error where the user is not authorized to read objects in the directory. | 655 |
dgEmNOENV | Represents an error where the environment doesn’t exist. | 610 |
dgEmNOLOCK | Represents an error where the Object is not locked by the caller. | 682 |
dgEmNOMEMADD | Represents an error where the user is not authorized to add members to the file. | 664 |
dgEmNOMEMDEL | Represents an error where the user is not authorized to delete members from the file. | 665 |
dgEmNONEXISTAUTH | Represents an error where the user cannot revoke non-existing authorities. | 659 |
dgEmNOOBJAUTH | Represents an error where the user is not authorized to the object for this operation. | 654 |
dgEmNOPARENTUPD | Represents an error where the user is not authorized to update objects in the parent directory. | 658 |
dgEmNOPATHAUTH | Represents an error where the user is not authorized to the path. | 653 |
dgEmNOPERMINTEMP | Represents an error where a permanent object can’t reside in a temporary directory. | 677 |
dgEmNOSEMS | Represents an error where the requested number of semaphores cannot be obtained. | 627 |
dgEmNOTEMPTY | Represents an error where the directory is not empty. | 613 |
dgEmNOTFND | Represents an error where the object was not found. | 601 |
dgEmNOTONQTEMP | Represents an error where the operation is not valid on QTemp. | 676 |
dgEmNOTSAME | Represents an error where the device or file system is not the same. | 633 |
dgEmOPENSHM | Represents an error opening the Shared Memory File. | 671 |
dgEmPROCACTIVE | Represents an error where the process is active. | 631 |
dgEmPROCNOTFND | Represents an error where the process was not found. | 630 |
dgEmQUSCRTUQ | Represents an error where the QUSCRTUQ create user queue OS/400 api failed. | 683 |
dgEmRMGSHM | Represents an error where the global shared memory cannot be removed. | 629 |
dgEmRMSEM | Represents an error where the semaphore ID cannot be removed. | 628 |
dgEmRNOBJUSRQ | Represents an error where the RNMOBJ OBJTYPE(*USRQ) failed to rename the user queue. | 684 |
dgEmROOTDIR | Represents an error where an invalid operation was performed on the root directory. | 635 |
dgEmRSLVSPUSRQ | Represents an error where the RSLVSP(_Usrq) failed to get the user queue pointer. | 685 |
dgEmSRCORRDATA | Represents an error where the save/restore data is corrupted. | 618 |
dgEmSRINVMODE | Represents an error where the save/restore mode is invalid. | 617 |
dgEmSRINVORD | Represents an error where the block order is invalid. | 620 |
dgEmSRINVSYS | Represents an error where the source or target machine is incompatible. | 621 |
dgEmSRINVVER | Represents an error where the save/restore version is invalid. | 619 |
dgEmSRNOTCOMP | Represents an error where the save/restore is not complete. | 616 |
dgEnAddingMember | Represents an error adding a member. | 1109 |
dgEnAddingRecord | Represents an error adding a record. | 1116 |
dgEnCantCreateLF | Represents an error where logical files cannot be created using CopyData; Use Copy Logical File instead. | 1131 |
dgEnCDNOCOMMONFLDS | Represents an error where source and destination files must have at least one common field name. | 1127 |
dgEnCDNODROPFLDS | Represents an error where source and destination files have different field names and the ‘Drop Fields’ option was not set. | 1128 |
dgEnCDSRCNOTPHY | Represents an error where a source file must be physical when mapping fields. | 1126 |
dgEnCharExpected | Represents an error where a character was expected. | 1114 |
dgEnCopyToSelf | Represents an error where a copy to self operation was attempted. | 1121 |
dgEnDateExpected | Represents an error where a date value was expected. | 1123 |
dgEnDelimeterExpected | Represents an error where a delimiter was expected. | 1112 |
dgEnDifferentFrmtId | Represents an error where source and destination files have different Format IDs. | 1132 |
dgENEGOAUTHEXC | Represents a client-initiated negotiate security authentication failure. Further details in inner exception and target server logs. | 23 |
dgENEGOHANDSHK | Represents a negotiate handshake error. Code: %d, Status: %ul, Facility: %s. | 22 |
dgENEGOINVOKE | Represents a negotiate initialization error. Code: %d, Status: %ul, Facility: %s. | 21 |
dgEnEndOfArchiveUnit | Represents an error at the end of an archive unit. | 1120 |
dgEnFromFileNotFnd | Represents an error where the from-file was not found. | 1117 |
dgEnHexExpected | Represents an error where a hexadecimal value was expected. | 1122 |
dgEnInDefinition | Represents an error in the definition. | 1104 |
dgEnInvalidFieldType | Represents an error with an invalid field type. | 1106 |
dgEnInvalidFromFileType | Represents an error with an invalid from-file type. | 1133 |
dgEnInvalidToFileType | Represents an error with an invalid to-file type. | 1134 |
dgEnMultiFormat | Represents an error with multiple formats. | 1103 |
dgEnNoMemory | Represents an error where there is no memory available. | 1105 |
dgEnNumberExpected | Represents an error where a number was expected. | 1113 |
dgENOATLASCTX | Represents an internal error with no Atlas context. | 15 |
dgENODATAAREAS | Represents an error where data area access is not supported by this database. | 19 |
dgENOMEM | Represents a no memory available error or database memory exhausted. Try increasing the memory size in the ‘Work with Databases’ dialog in Database Manager. | 4 |
dgENONPRVSERVER | Represents a server account not privileged error. Security context not established. | 12 |
dgEnOpenFileDef | Represents an error opening the file definition. | 1102 |
dgEnOpeningFile | Represents an error opening a file. | 1108 |
dgEnOpeningFromFile | Represents an error opening the from-file. | 1135 |
dgEnOpeningToFile | Represents an error opening the to-file. | 1136 |
dgENOTEMPFILE | Represents an error where a temporary file could not be created for an internal operation. | 16 |
dgENOTIMPL | Represents a not implemented error. | 2 |
dgENOTSECURE | Represents an invalid user/password error. Security context not established. | 11 |
dgEnReadingNext | Represents an error reading the next item. | 1110 |
dgEnReadingRecord | Represents an error reading a record. | 1115 |
dgEnRemoveBaseFile | Represents an error where a base file cannot be replaced. | 1129 |
dgEnRemoveLogicalFile | Represents an error where a logical file cannot be replaced. | 1130 |
dgEnSeparatorExpected | Represents an error where a separator was expected. | 1111 |
dgEnTextFile | Represents an error with a text file. | 1107 |
dgEnTimeExpected | Represents an error where a time value was expected. | 1124 |
dgEnTimestampExpected | Represents an error where a time-stamp value was expected. | 1125 |
dgEnToFileNotCrt | Represents an error where the to-file was not created. | 1119 |
dgEnToFileNotFnd | Represents an error where the to-file was not found. | 1118 |
dgEnUnknown | Represents an unknown error. | 1101 |
dgEOBSOLETE | Represents an error where a facility was deprecated several releases ago, and is not supported anymore. | 17 |
dgEOK | Not really an error, operation went OK. | -1 |
dgEOLDSERVER | Represents an operation not supported on an old server error. | 14 |
dgEpAPXEXTERN | Represents an error where the Apx Externalize method failed. | 759 |
dgEpAPXGETPROP | Represents an error where the Apx GetProp method failed. | 761 |
dgEpAPXMATER | Represents an error where the Apx Materialize method failed. | 758 |
dgEpAPXMETHOD | Represents an error where the Apx method failed. | 757 |
dgEpAPXPRINT | Represents an error where the Apx Print method failed. | 762 |
dgEpAPXSETPROP | Represents an error where the Apx SetProp method failed. | 760 |
dgEpBADPARMDIR | Represents an error where an invalid Parameter Direction was provided. | 709 |
dgEpCRTDC | Represents an error where the print DC creation failed. | 753 |
dgEpINITAPXFAILED | Represents an error where InitApx failed. | 756 |
dgEpINITAPXNOTFND | Represents an error where InitApx was not found. | 755 |
dgEpINVPARMCOUNT | Represents an error where an invalid parameter count was supplied on a Remote Program Call. | 705 |
dgEpINVPARMTYPE | Represents an error where an invalid parameter type was supplied on a Remote Program Call. | 703 |
dgEpLIBNOTFND | Represents an error where the Apx library was not found. | 754 |
dgEpMEMEXCEPTION | Represents an error where a memory exception occurred in a Remote Program Call, possibly due to a parameter mismatch. | 708 |
dgEpOPENPRINT | Represents an error where opening the printer failed. | 774 |
dgEpOPENSPLVIEWER | Represents an error where opening the print previewer failed. | 775 |
dgEpPARMTYPENOTSUP | Represents an error where the parameter type is not supported on a Remote Program Call. | 704 |
dgEpPGMERR | Represents an error where the program encountered an error. | 702 |
dgEpPGMNOTFND | Represents an error where the program was not found. | 701 |
dgEpPRINTNOTFND | Represents an error where the printer was not found. | 751 |
dgEpPROMPTCANCEL | Represents an error where the print prompter was canceled. | 763 |
dgEpPROMPTFAILED | Represents an error where the print prompter failed. | 752 |
dgEPRINT | Represents print errors. | 750 |
dgEpSERVERTOOOLD | Represents an error where the print file’s version is newer than the server; an updated server is required for access. | 764 |
dgEpSPOOLBADPAGE | Represents an error where the spool file is corrupted and has an invalid spool page format. | 773 |
dgEpSPOOLCREATE | Represents an error where the spool file could not be created. | 765 |
dgEpSPOOLNODM | Represents an error where the spool file is corrupted and has no device mode. | 769 |
dgEpSPOOLNOHEAD | Represents an error where the spool file is corrupted and has no header. | 768 |
dgEpSPOOLNOPAGE | Represents an error where the spool file is corrupted and has no full page. | 772 |
dgEpSPOOLNOSD | Represents an error where the spool file is corrupted and has no start of document. | 770 |
dgEpSPOOLNOSP | Represents an error where the spool file is corrupted and has no start of page. | 771 |
dgEpSPOOLREOPEN | Represents an error where reopening the spool file failed. | 767 |
dgEpSPOOLWRITE | Represents an error where writing to the spool file failed. | 766 |
dgEpTOOFEWPARMS | Represents an error where not enough parameters were provided on a Remote Program Call. | 706 |
dgEpTOOMANYPARMS | Represents an error where too many parameters were provided on a Remote Program Call. | 707 |
dgEqBLOCKDIRCHNG | Represents an error where SQL Server does not support changing sequential read direction while employing network blocks. | 1524 |
dgEqCOLLSYSVAL | Represents an error where the “New Column Collation” system value does not correspond to an available collation. | 1530 |
dgEqCONNECTION | Represents an error where the connection to SQL Server cannot be restored. | 1509 |
dgEqDMOERROR | Represents a DMO Error received from MS SQL Server. | 1518 |
dgEqDUPOWNOBJ | Represents an error where an object by that owner already exists. | 1511 |
dgEqEXECUTION | Represents a query execution error or an inaccessible database. | 1508 |
dgEqINVALIDOBJECT | Represents an error where DMO: OLE object is not (or is no longer) valid in SQLDMO. | 1502 |
dgEqINVALIDOBJECTDEFINITION | Represents an error where an attempt was made to create an object but its definition were incomplete or inconsistent. | 1503 |
dgEqINVALIDPARAMETER | Represents an error where an invalid parameter passed to a method or property, or other unexpected condition. | 1504 |
dgEqINVALIDPLATFORM | Represents an error where the connected SQL Server or Client are of an invalid version, or no SQL-DMO server support. | 1505 |
dgEqINVHASHCONFIG | Represents an error where the “# Prefix Substitution” system value is invalid; use a string that does not begin with the ‘#’ character. | 1531 |
dgEqINVMMCONV | Represents an error where a file with a single member cannot be converted to one supporting multiple members. | 1528 |
dgEqINVMMVAL | Represents an error where the specified maximum member value is not valid because the file already contains more members. | 1529 |
dgEqINVMULTMBR | Represents an error where with the DSS multi-member feature enabled, Join Logical file definitions only support the ‘maximum members=1’ attribute. | 1527 |
dgEqINVOPFIELDREF | Represents an error where an invalid operation against special file ‘*FIELDREF’ was attempted. | 1513 |
dgEqINVORDERBYIDX | Represents an error where SELECT statements with the ORDER BY clause are not allowed in INDEXED logical files. | 1525 |
dgEqINVSQLSYN | Represents an error where there is incorrect syntax in internally generated SQL statement. | 1514 |
dgEqINVSQLVER | Represents an error where an invalid SQL Server version is used. SQL Server 2000 or above required. | 1523 |
dgEqINVUSRSQLSYN | Represents an error where there is incorrect syntax in user provided SQL statement. | 1515 |
dgEqINVUSRTYPE | Represents an error where one or more *FIELDREF fields could not be created as user defined types. | 1526 |
dgEqITEMNOTFOUND | Represents an error where the named object was not found. | 1506 |
dgEqKEYNAMENOTINBASE | Represents an error where a key field must be based on a physical field with the same name. | 1516 |
dgEqMAXCOLS | Represents an error where SQL Server supports a maximum of 1024 columns (fields). | 1520 |
dgEqMAXKEYS | Represents an error where SQL Server supports a maximum of 32 key fields per index. | 1521 |
dgEqNOCONVERSION | Represents an error where a field type is not supported. Ensure there is no ‘Image’ or ‘Text’ columns, if any, build a logical without them. | 1522 |
dgEqNOMULTIFMT | Represents an error where SQL Server does not support multi-format files. | 1519 |
dgEqNOSQLSERVER | Represents an error where SQL Server does not exist or access is denied. | 1501 |
dgEqOLEDBERROR | Represents an OLE DB Error received from MS SQL Server. | 1517 |
dgEqRESOURCE | Represents an error where there are insufficient resources either locally or on the server. | 1510 |
dgEqSQLUNKNOWN | Represents uninterpreted SQL Server errors. | 1512 |
dgEqUNPRIVILEGEDLOGIN | Represents an error where the current login does not have sufficient privilege to perform the requested operation. | 1507 |
dgEr2FEWJOINS | Represents an error where there are too few JoinDefs. | 516 |
dgEr2MANYFLDS | Represents an error where too many fields are in the JoinDef. | 506 |
dgErADENOTFND | Represents an error where the active dictionary entry was not found. | 519 |
dgErBADSRC | Represents an error with a bad base field, format or file. | 501 |
dgErBASFILENOTFND | Represents an error where the base file was not found. | 524 |
dgErBASMBRNOTFND | Represents an error where the base source member was not found. | 522 |
dgErCRTADE | Represents an error creating an active dictionary entry. | 518 |
dgEREPOSITORY | Represents repository access errors. | 500 |
dgErFDNOCHG | Represents an error where the FileDef cannot be changed. | 517 |
dgErINVDUPFLD | Represents an error where the duplicate field was not found in the format. | 512 |
dgErINVSECFLD | Represents an error where the secondary field was not found in the format. | 511 |
dgErINVSELFLD | Represents an error where the selector field was not found in the format. | 510 |
dgErINVTYPE | Represents an error with an invalid type. | 502 |
dgErJFLDCONFL | Represents an error with conflicting join field types. | 521 |
dgErJOINNOSTATIC | Represents an error where join files can’t have static select/omits. | 520 |
dgErJSECKEY | Represents an error with an invalid key for join file, the key field used is from a secondary file. | 523 |
dgErNODUPNAME | Represents an error where no duplicate field name was specified. | 509 |
dgErNOSECNAME | Represents an error where no secondary field name was specified. | 508 |
dgErNOSELFLDS | Represents an error where no selector fields were specified. | 505 |
dgErNOSELNAME | Represents an error where no selector field name was specified. | 507 |
dgErNOSEQJOIN | Represents an error where the JoinDef is out of sequence. | 514 |
dgErNOTJOINED | Represents an error where the file is not joined. | 515 |
dgErSECNOTDEF | Represents an error where the secondary file is not defined. | 504 |
dgErSELNOTDEF | Represents an error where the selector file is not defined yet. | 503 |
dgErTYPECONFL | Represents an error with conflicting field types. | 513 |
dgEsADOPCODE | Represents an error where there is an invalid or missing *SQLCLIENT license key. | 1229 |
dgEsADOTRLEXP | Represents an error where the *SQCLIENT license has expired. | 1230 |
dgEsALLOCERRCONVTYP | Represents an allocate error for a conversation type. | 837 |
dgEsALLOCERRNORETRY | Represents an allocate error with no retry. | 831 |
dgEsALLOCERRPGMNOTAVAILNR | Represents an allocate error where the program is not available with no retry. | 833 |
dgEsALLOCERRPGMNOTAVAILR | Represents an allocate error where the program is not available with retry. | 835 |
dgEsALLOCERRPIPNOTALLOWED | Represents an allocate error where the PIP is not allowed. | 838 |
dgEsALLOCERRPIPNOTCORRECT | Represents an allocate error where the PIP is not correct. | 839 |
dgEsALLOCERRRETRY | Represents an allocate error with retry. | 832 |
dgEsALLOCERRSECNOTVALID | Represents an allocate error where the sec is not valid. | 836 |
dgEsALLOCERRSYNCHLEVEL | Represents an allocate error for a sync level. | 840 |
dgEsALLOCERRTPNNOTRECOG | Represents an allocate error where the transaction program is not recognized. | 834 |
dgEsAPPCBUSY | Represents an APPC Busy status. | 809 |
dgEsAS400ERROR | Represents an error where the error text is contained in extended error info. | 1301 |
dgEscBADFRAME | Represents an error where there is an NTLM protected message error. See server logs for details. | 1902 |
dgEscBINDPWDDA | Represents an error where the EIM Simple Bind password data area is not accessible; cannot map client to a User Profile. | 1904 |
dgEscEIMSSLCONFIG | Represents an error where the EIM SSL data area is not accessible; cannot map client to a User Profile. | 1905 |
dgEsCONVTABLEFULL | Represents an error where the conversation table is full. | 845 |
dgEscSSO | Represents next-gen *DOMAIN support. | 1900 |
dgEscSSPIQUERY | Represents an error where Windows Security Support Provider query fails. Check server logs. | 1901 |
dgEsDEALLOCABENDPROGRAM | Represents a deallocate error where the program abnormally ends. | 841 |
dgEsDEALLOCNORMAL | Represents a normal deallocation status. | 802 |
dgEsDUPSTRM | Represents a duplicate stream error. | 301 |
dgESERVEXCEPTION | Represents an unexpected exception on the server error. | 13 |
dgEsHDRCORRUPT | Represents an error where the header in the APPC packet is corrupted. | 854 |
dgEsINSUFFICIENTMEMORY | Represents an error where there is insufficient memory. | 842 |
dgEsINVALIDCREDS | Represents an error where the database logon credentials are invalid. | 855 |
dgEsINVALIDLUNAME | Represents an error where the LU name is invalid. | 852 |
dgEsINVALIDPASSWORDLEN | Represents an error where the password length is invalid. | 851 |
dgEsINVALIDREQ | Represents an error where an invalid request 1 was received by the license manager. | 1206 |
dgEsINVALIDSUR | Represents an error where an invalid request 2 was received by the license manager. | 1207 |
dgEsINVALIDUSERIDLEN | Represents an error where the user ID length is invalid. | 850 |
dgEsINVSRLNBR | Represents an invalid serial number error. | 1203 |
dgEsLICSRVRFAIL | Represents an error where a DSS License cannot be obtained: Server execution failed. | 1227 |
dgEsLMERR01 | Represents a license manager recovery error 1. | 1212 |
dgEsLMERR02 | Represents a license manager database error 2. | 1213 |
dgEsLMERR03 | Represents a license manager recovery error 3. | 1214 |
dgEsLMERR04 | Represents a license manager recovery error 4. | 1215 |
dgEsLMERR05 | Represents a license manager recovery error 5. | 1216 |
dgEsLMERR06 | Represents a license manager recovery error 6. | 1217 |
dgEsLMERR07 | Represents a license manager error 7. | 1218 |
dgEsLMERR08 | Represents a license manager error 8. | 1219 |
dgEsLMMUTEX | Represents an error where the license manager service is not accessible. | 1208 |
dgEsLMPID | Represents an error where the license manager service is not started. | 1211 |
dgEsLMSTART | Represents an error where the license manager service is not synchronized. | 1210 |
dgEsLMSYNCDQ | Represents an error where the license manager service sync object creation failed. | 1209 |
dgEsLMSYNCDQD | Represents an error where the license manager PID data area could not be deleted. | 1223 |
dgEsMEMORYALLOCERROR | Represents a memory allocation error. | 843 |
dgEsMTSFAILHT | Represents an error where the CPU count is not available on this system. | 1228 |
dgEsMTSPCODE | Represents an error where there is an invalid or missing ADB multi-tier license. | 1220 |
dgEsMTSPRCCNT | Represents an error where the ADB multi-tier license processor count is exceeded. | 1222 |
dgEsMTSTRLEXP | Represents an error where the ADB multi-tier license has expired. | 1221 |
dgEsNLSCODEPAGE | Represents an error where the registry cannot be accessed to determine platform character encoding. | 1303 |
dgEsNOCODEPAGE | Represents an error where the server is not configured for the requested character set. | 1304 |
dgEsNODBCSCONV | Represents an error where DBCS translation is not supported for given CCSIDs. | 1302 |
dgEsNOLICDLL | Represents an error where the license DLL is not registered or missing. | 1224 |
dgEsNOLICSRVR | Represents an error where a connection to the database server cannot be established. The server may be shut down, there may be a network hardware problem, there may be no common transports, or the server may not exist. | 1225 |
dgEsNOPRODUCT | Represents an error where the specified licensed product is not available. | 1226 |
dgEsOK | Represents a status of OK. | 801 |
dgEsPARMCHKBADDEALLOCTYPE | Represents a parameter check error for a bad deallocate type. | 820 |
dgEsPARMCHKBADFILLTYPE | Represents a parameter check error for a bad fill type. | 822 |
dgEsPARMCHKBADPARTNERNAME | Represents a parameter check error for a bad partner name. | 818 |
dgEsPARMCHKBADRETURNCTRL | Represents a parameter check error for a bad return control. | 816 |
dgEsPARMCHKBADSYNCLVLALLOC | Represents a parameter check error for a bad sync level allocated. | 815 |
dgEsPARMCHKBUFFERCROSSSEG | Represents a parameter check error where the buffer crosses a segment. | 812 |
dgEsPARMCHKCONFNOTALLOWED | Represents a parameter check error where the configuration is not allowed. | 819 |
dgEsPARMCHKINVALIDCONVERID | Represents a parameter check error for an invalid conversation Id. | 811 |
dgEsPARMCHKINVALIDVERB | Represents a parameter check error for an invalid verb. | 810 |
dgEsPARMCHKINVCONVERTYPE | Represents a parameter check error for an invalid conversation type. | 814 |
dgEsPARMCHKPIPTOOLONG | Represents a parameter check error where the PIP is too long. | 817 |
dgEsPARMCHKPREPTORCVTYPE | Represents a parameter check error for a prepare to receive type. | 821 |
dgEsPARMCHKRECMAXLEN | Represents a parameter check error for a record maximum length. | 823 |
dgEsPARMCHKRESFLDNOTZERO | Represents a parameter check error where the result field is not zero. | 825 |
dgEsPARMCHKTPNAMELENGTH | Represents a parameter check error for a transaction program name length. | 813 |
dgEsPARMCHKUNKNOWNSECTYPE | Represents a parameter check error for an unknown sec type. | 824 |
dgEsPCODE | Represents an error where there is an invalid or missing ADB server license. Use Registration Assistant to verify/install a valid license key. | 1205 |
dgEsPCSWINNOTLOADED | Represents an error where PCSWIN is not loaded. | 848 |
dgEsPCSWINOUTOFMEMORY | Represents an error where PCSWIN is out of memory. | 849 |
dgEsPROGRAMERRNOTRUNCATION | Represents a program error with no truncation. | 803 |
dgEsPROGRAMERRPURGING | Represents a program error with purging. | 805 |
dgEsPROGRAMERRTRUNCATION | Represents a program error with truncation. | 804 |
dgESQLSERVER | Represents SQL Server native errors. | 1500 |
dgEsRESOURCEFAILURENORETRY | Represents a resource failure with no retry. | 807 |
dgEsRESOURCEFAILURERETRY | Represents a resource failure with retry. | 806 |
dgEsROUTERNOTINSTALLED | Represents an error where the router is not installed. | 846 |
dgEsROUTERWRONGLEVEL | Represents an error where the router is at the wrong level. | 847 |
dgEssCERTAUTHORITY | Represents an error where a certificate authority chain error occurred. | 1814 |
dgEssCERTREVOKED | Represents an error where chain contains one or more revoked certificate errors. | 1815 |
dgEssCERTSTOREDA | Represents an error where the certificate store configuration data areas are not found or are invalid. | 1812 |
dgEssCERTSTOREPW | Represents an error where it cannot open the certificate store credential evidence object. | 1813 |
dgEssDNSFAIL | Represents an error where DNS query failed during SSL connection verification of server hostname. | 1811 |
dgEssDOWNLVLCLIENT | Represents an error where server requirements for secure connection (SSL) are not met by this connection. | 1801 |
dgEssDOWNLVLSERVER | Represents an error where the server does not meet requirements for requested secure connection (SSL). | 1802 |
dgEssINVALIDOPTS | Represents an error where for secure connections, either “request” or “require” options must be specified. | 1805 |
dgESSL | Represents SSL support errors. | 1800 |
dgEssNOCERTIFICATE | Represents an error where an SSL connection was initiated, but the server did not provide a valid certificate. | 1810 |
dgEssNOCLEARTEXT | Represents an error where this connection configuration does not permit access to servers that allow non-secure connections (SSL). | 1803 |
dgEssNODNSMATCH | Represents an error where the server’s SSL certificate subject name does not match the server’s DNS host name. | 1808 |
dgEssNOLOCALCERT | Represents an error where no certificate exists in the user’s local store corresponding to the server’s SSL certificate. | 1807 |
dgEssNONAMEMATCH | Represents an error where the server’s SSL certificate subject name does not match the name specified in the connection options. | 1809 |
dgEssSCHANNELNEG | Represents an error where the Schannel security provider SSL negotiation failed. Check DataGate Server logs for details. | 1806 |
dgEsSTATECHKNOTINCONFSTAT | Represents a state check error where it’s not in configuration stat. | 826 |
dgEsSTATECHKNOTINRECEIVE | Represents a state check error where it’s not in receive. | 827 |
dgEsSTATECHKREQSNDBADSTAT | Represents a state check error where the request to send is in a bad state. | 828 |
dgEsSTATECHKSNDERRBADSTAT | Represents a state check error where send error is in a bad state. | 830 |
dgEsSTATECHKSNDINBADSTATE | Represents a state check error where send is in a bad state. | 829 |
dgEsSTRMNOTOPEN | Represents an error where the stream is not open. | 302 |
dgEssUKNOWNLEVEL | Represents an error where the server’s connection security level (SSL) is higher than supported by this version of DataGate. | 1804 |
dgEsTOOMANYCONVERSATIONS | Represents an error where there are too many conversations. | 844 |
dgESTREAM | Represents stream errors. | 300 |
dgEsTRLEXP | Represents an error where the ADB server license has expired. | 1201 |
dgEsUNDEFINED | Represents an undefined error. | 853 |
dgEsUNSUCCESSFUL | Represents an unsuccessful status. | 808 |
dgESUPERVISOR | Represents supervisor errors. | 1000 |
dgEsUSRCNT | Represents an error where the user count is exceeded. | 1204 |
dgESYSTEM | Represents system dependent errors. | 1300 |
dgETCPIP | Represents TCP/IP errors. | 900 |
dgEUNKNOWN | Represents an unknown error. | 1 |
dgExDENIED | Represents an error where access to this function is denied by exit program security; permission may be obtained from your database system administrator. | 1602 |
dgExINVLIC | Represents an error where the exit point support license is not found or invalid. | 1603 |
dgEXITPROG | Represents AS/400 exit points. | 1600 |
dgExMISSING | Represents an error where the registered exit program is not found. | 1601 |
Example. Showing more details when opening a file fails due to Member or File not found.
AdgConnection db = new AdgConnection("*Public/DG NET Local");
FileAdapter dbFile = new FileAdapter(db, "*Libl/CMASTNEWL1", "CMMASTERL1");
dbFile.AccessMode = AccessMode.Read;
AdgDataSet myDS = null;
dbFile.OpenNewAdgDataSet(out myDS);
catch(dgException dgEx)
/* There are many reasons why opening a file can fail. Here, we
* catch some of the more general ones. */
if (dgEx.Error == dgErrorNumber.dgEmMNOTFND)
MessageBox.Show("Member " + dbFile.MemberName + " not found!", "Error opening file");
else if (dgEx.Error == dgErrorNumber.dgEmFNOTFND)
MessageBox.Show("File " + dbFile.FileName + " not found!", "Error opening file");
MessageBox.Show(dgEx.Message, "Error opening file");
//Exit procedure here.
/* Do some action here. */