AccessMode enum | QSYS API Reference Guide
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Specifies the access mode for a data operation.
Namespace: ASNA.DataGate.Common
Assembly: ASNA.QSys.DataGate.Client.dll
Enum Values
Name | Description | Value |
Arrival | Specifies arrival access. | 2 |
CacheWrites | Specifies cache writes access. | 32 |
Change | Specifies change access. | 4 |
CommitmentControl | Specifies commitment control access. | 16 |
Delete | Specifies delete access. | 8 |
Output | Specifies output access. | 76 |
OutputCache | Specifies output cache access. | 108 |
PrintPreview | Specifies print preview access. | 256 |
Read | Specifies read access. | 129 |
ReadWrite | Specifies read/write access. | 193 |
ReadWriteCache | Specifies read/write cache access. | 225 |
RWCD | Specifies RWCD access. | 205 |
RWCDCache | Specifies RWCDCache access. | 237 |
SetLLAsILE | Specifies SetLLAsILE access. | 1 |
Write | Specifies write access. | 64 |
WriteCache | Specifies write cache access. | 96 |
WriteCacheArrival | Specifies write cache arrival access. | 98 |
AdgConnection db = new AdgConnection("*Public/DG NET Local");
FileAdapter dbFile = new FileAdapter(db, "*Libl/CMASTNEWL1", "CMMASTERL1");
/* We need to open this file for Read as well as as Delete
* in order search for the key value. */
dbFile.AccessMode = AccessMode.Delete | AccessMode.Read;
AdgDataSet myDS = null;
dbFile.OpenNewAdgDataSet(out myDS);
catch(dgException dgEx)
MessageBox.Show("Error opening file! " + dgEx.Message, "Error");
//Exit procedure or end application here.
/* We retrieve the record for customer number 82900 and delete it! */
AdgKeyTable keyTbl = myDS.NewKeyTable("RCMMASTL1");
keyTbl.Row["CMCUSTNO"] = 82900;
catch(dgException dgEx)
/* We catch the dgException only if it was caused by
* the key value not being found. */
if (dgEx.Error != dgErrorNumber.dgEaNOTFND)
throw dgEx;