XmlInfoMsgType enum | QSYS API Reference Guide
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
Enum representing various types of XML information messages.
Namespace: ASNA.DataGate.Client
Assembly: ASNA.QSys.DataGate.Client.dll
Enum Values
Name | Description | Value |
aaaFirstMsgType | Represents the first message type in the enumeration. | 0 |
AbandonMemberExport | Represents the event of abandoning a member export. | 94 |
AddDataOpenError | Represents an error when opening data. | 1 |
AddRecordBatchErrorCount | Represents an error count when adding a batch of records. | 2 |
AddRecordCount | Represents the count of records added. | 3 |
AddRecordDataError | Represents an error when adding record data. | 4 |
AddRecordError | Represents an error when adding a record. | 5 |
AddRecordErrorCount | Represents the count of errors when adding records. | 6 |
AdgObjectAttrExportComplete | Represents the completion of an ADG object attribute export. | 7 |
AdgObjectAttrImportComplete | Represents the completion of an ADG object attribute import. | 8 |
AdgObjectContentExportComplete | Represents the completion of an ADG object content export. | 9 |
AdgObjectContentImportComplete | Represents the completion of an ADG object content import. | 10 |
BasePathToAbsolutePath | Represents the event of converting a base path to an absolute path. | 11 |
BasePathToRelativePath | Represents the event of converting a base path to a relative path. | 12 |
BeginReadBases | Represents the beginning of reading base elements. | 13 |
BeginReadCreateAttr | Represents the beginning of reading create attribute elements. | 14 |
BeginReadDataAreaDef | Represents the beginning of reading data area definitions. | 15 |
BeginReadDbfCreateAttr | Represents the beginning of reading DBF create attribute elements. | 16 |
BeginReadFileDef | Represents the beginning of reading file definitions. | 17 |
BeginReadRecords | Represents the beginning of reading records. | 18 |
BeginReadXml | Represents the beginning of reading XML data. | 19 |
BeginWriteBases | Represents the beginning of writing base elements. | 20 |
BeginWriteCreateAttr | Represents the beginning of writing create attribute elements. | 21 |
BeginWriteDataAreaDef | Represents the beginning of writing data area definitions. | 22 |
BeginWriteDir | Represents the beginning of writing directory elements. | 23 |
BeginWriteDirContent | Represents the beginning of writing directory content. | 24 |
BeginWriteFileDef | Represents the beginning of writing file definitions. | 25 |
BeginWriteMemberRecords | Represents the beginning of writing member records. | 26 |
BeginWriteMembers | Represents the beginning of writing members. | 27 |
BeginWriteText | Represents the beginning of writing text elements. | 28 |
BeginWriteXml | Represents the beginning of writing XML data. | 29 |
CompletedPath | Represents the completion of a path operation. | 30 |
CreateDirIfNecessary | Represents the event of creating a directory if necessary. | 31 |
CreateObject | Represents the event of creating an object. | 32 |
DataAreaCreationFailure | Represents the event of a failure in creating a data area. | 33 |
EndReadBases | Represents the end of reading base elements. | 34 |
EndReadCreateAttr | Represents the end of reading create attribute elements. | 35 |
EndReadDataAreaContent | Represents the end of reading data area content. | 36 |
EndReadDataAreaDef | Represents the end of reading data area definitions. | 37 |
EndReadDirContent | Represents the end of reading directory content. | 38 |
EndReadFileAttr | Represents the end of reading file attributes. | 39 |
EndReadFileContent | Represents the end of reading file content. | 40 |
EndReadFileDef | Represents the end of reading file definitions. | 41 |
EndReadMemberContent | Represents the end of reading member content. | 42 |
EndReadObjectAttr | Represents the end of reading object attributes. | 43 |
EndReadText | Represents the end of reading text elements. | 44 |
EndReadXml | Represents the end of reading XML data. | 45 |
EndWriteBases | Represents the end of writing base elements. | 46 |
EndWriteCreateAttr | Represents the end of writing create attribute elements. | 47 |
EndWriteDataAreaDef | Represents the end of writing data area definitions. | 48 |
EndWriteDirContent | Represents the end of writing directory content. | 49 |
EndWriteFileAttr | Represents the end of writing file attributes. | 50 |
EndWriteFileContent | Represents the end of writing file content. | 51 |
EndWriteFileDef | Represents the end of writing file definitions. | 52 |
EndWriteMember | Represents the end of writing a member. | 53 |
EndWriteText | Represents the end of writing text elements. | 54 |
EndWriteXml | Represents the end of writing XML data. | 55 |
ExceptionWriteDir | Represents an exception that occurred while writing to a directory. | 56 |
ExportCompleteElementWithPath | Represents the completion of exporting an element with a path. | 57 |
ExportingElementWithPath | Represents the event of exporting an element with a path. | 58 |
FileCreationFailure | Represents a failure in file creation. | 59 |
IgnoreExistingObject | Represents the event of ignoring an existing object. | 60 |
IgnoreInvalidObjectByName | Represents the event of ignoring an invalid object by name. | 61 |
ImportingElementWithPath | Represents the event of importing an element with a path. | 62 |
InvalidDataArea | Represents an invalid data area. | 63 |
InvalidVersionAttr | Represents an invalid version attribute. | 64 |
MergeMemberExport | Represents the event of a member export merge. | 93 |
ObjectCreated | Represents the event of an object being created. | 65 |
OpCompleteIn | Represents the completion of an operation. | 66 |
ReadInterimRecordCount | Represents the count of interim records read. | 67 |
ReadInterimRecordCountClose | Represents the event of closing after reading interim record counts. | 68 |
ReadInterimRecordCountStall | Represents the event of a stall when reading interim record counts. | 69 |
ReadRecordCount | Represents the count of records read. | 70 |
ReadRecordDataError | Represents an error when reading record data. | 71 |
ReadRecordErrorCount | Represents the count of errors when reading records. | 72 |
RenamingObject | Represents the event of renaming an object. | 73 |
SchemaValidationWarning | Represents a warning during schema validation. | 95 |
SkippingAllMembers | Represents the event of skipping all members. | 74 |
SkippingDataArea | Represents the event of skipping a data area. | 75 |
SkippingDir | Represents the event of skipping a directory. | 76 |
SkippingDirContents | Represents the event of skipping directory contents. | 77 |
SkippingElementWithPath | Represents the event of skipping an element with a path. | 78 |
SkippingExistingDir | Represents the event of skipping an existing directory. | 79 |
SkippingFile | Represents the event of skipping a file. | 80 |
SkippingMember | Represents the event of skipping a member. | 81 |
SkippingOnUserRequest | Represents the event of skipping on user request. | 84 |
SkippingReadText | Represents the event of skipping reading text. | 82 |
SkippingStarFieldRefFile | Represents the event of skipping the export of a StarFieldRefFile. | 90 |
SkippingUnknownObject | Represents the event of skipping an unknown object. | 83 |
StarFileMemberExport | Represents the event of a member export in a StarFile. | 92 |
StarFirstMemberExport | Represents the event of the first member export in a StarFile. | 91 |
WriteInterimRecordCount | Represents the count of interim records written. | 85 |
WriteInterimRecordCountClose | Represents the event of closing after writing interim record counts. | 86 |
WriteInterimRecordCountStall | Represents the event of a stall when writing interim record counts. | 87 |
WritingAttr | Represents the event of writing an attribute. | 88 |
WritingContent | Represents the event of writing content. | 89 |
zzzLastMsgType | Represents the last message type in the enumeration. | 96 |