XmlInfoMsgType enum | QSYS API Reference Guide

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Enum representing various types of XML information messages.

Namespace: ASNA.DataGate.Client Assembly: ASNA.QSys.DataGate.Client.dll

Enum Values

Name Description Value
aaaFirstMsgType Represents the first message type in the enumeration. 0
AbandonMemberExport Represents the event of abandoning a member export. 94
AddDataOpenError Represents an error when opening data. 1
AddRecordBatchErrorCount Represents an error count when adding a batch of records. 2
AddRecordCount Represents the count of records added. 3
AddRecordDataError Represents an error when adding record data. 4
AddRecordError Represents an error when adding a record. 5
AddRecordErrorCount Represents the count of errors when adding records. 6
AdgObjectAttrExportComplete Represents the completion of an ADG object attribute export. 7
AdgObjectAttrImportComplete Represents the completion of an ADG object attribute import. 8
AdgObjectContentExportComplete Represents the completion of an ADG object content export. 9
AdgObjectContentImportComplete Represents the completion of an ADG object content import. 10
BasePathToAbsolutePath Represents the event of converting a base path to an absolute path. 11
BasePathToRelativePath Represents the event of converting a base path to a relative path. 12
BeginReadBases Represents the beginning of reading base elements. 13
BeginReadCreateAttr Represents the beginning of reading create attribute elements. 14
BeginReadDataAreaDef Represents the beginning of reading data area definitions. 15
BeginReadDbfCreateAttr Represents the beginning of reading DBF create attribute elements. 16
BeginReadFileDef Represents the beginning of reading file definitions. 17
BeginReadRecords Represents the beginning of reading records. 18
BeginReadXml Represents the beginning of reading XML data. 19
BeginWriteBases Represents the beginning of writing base elements. 20
BeginWriteCreateAttr Represents the beginning of writing create attribute elements. 21
BeginWriteDataAreaDef Represents the beginning of writing data area definitions. 22
BeginWriteDir Represents the beginning of writing directory elements. 23
BeginWriteDirContent Represents the beginning of writing directory content. 24
BeginWriteFileDef Represents the beginning of writing file definitions. 25
BeginWriteMemberRecords Represents the beginning of writing member records. 26
BeginWriteMembers Represents the beginning of writing members. 27
BeginWriteText Represents the beginning of writing text elements. 28
BeginWriteXml Represents the beginning of writing XML data. 29
CompletedPath Represents the completion of a path operation. 30
CreateDirIfNecessary Represents the event of creating a directory if necessary. 31
CreateObject Represents the event of creating an object. 32
DataAreaCreationFailure Represents the event of a failure in creating a data area. 33
EndReadBases Represents the end of reading base elements. 34
EndReadCreateAttr Represents the end of reading create attribute elements. 35
EndReadDataAreaContent Represents the end of reading data area content. 36
EndReadDataAreaDef Represents the end of reading data area definitions. 37
EndReadDirContent Represents the end of reading directory content. 38
EndReadFileAttr Represents the end of reading file attributes. 39
EndReadFileContent Represents the end of reading file content. 40
EndReadFileDef Represents the end of reading file definitions. 41
EndReadMemberContent Represents the end of reading member content. 42
EndReadObjectAttr Represents the end of reading object attributes. 43
EndReadText Represents the end of reading text elements. 44
EndReadXml Represents the end of reading XML data. 45
EndWriteBases Represents the end of writing base elements. 46
EndWriteCreateAttr Represents the end of writing create attribute elements. 47
EndWriteDataAreaDef Represents the end of writing data area definitions. 48
EndWriteDirContent Represents the end of writing directory content. 49
EndWriteFileAttr Represents the end of writing file attributes. 50
EndWriteFileContent Represents the end of writing file content. 51
EndWriteFileDef Represents the end of writing file definitions. 52
EndWriteMember Represents the end of writing a member. 53
EndWriteText Represents the end of writing text elements. 54
EndWriteXml Represents the end of writing XML data. 55
ExceptionWriteDir Represents an exception that occurred while writing to a directory. 56
ExportCompleteElementWithPath Represents the completion of exporting an element with a path. 57
ExportingElementWithPath Represents the event of exporting an element with a path. 58
FileCreationFailure Represents a failure in file creation. 59
IgnoreExistingObject Represents the event of ignoring an existing object. 60
IgnoreInvalidObjectByName Represents the event of ignoring an invalid object by name. 61
ImportingElementWithPath Represents the event of importing an element with a path. 62
InvalidDataArea Represents an invalid data area. 63
InvalidVersionAttr Represents an invalid version attribute. 64
MergeMemberExport Represents the event of a member export merge. 93
ObjectCreated Represents the event of an object being created. 65
OpCompleteIn Represents the completion of an operation. 66
ReadInterimRecordCount Represents the count of interim records read. 67
ReadInterimRecordCountClose Represents the event of closing after reading interim record counts. 68
ReadInterimRecordCountStall Represents the event of a stall when reading interim record counts. 69
ReadRecordCount Represents the count of records read. 70
ReadRecordDataError Represents an error when reading record data. 71
ReadRecordErrorCount Represents the count of errors when reading records. 72
RenamingObject Represents the event of renaming an object. 73
SchemaValidationWarning Represents a warning during schema validation. 95
SkippingAllMembers Represents the event of skipping all members. 74
SkippingDataArea Represents the event of skipping a data area. 75
SkippingDir Represents the event of skipping a directory. 76
SkippingDirContents Represents the event of skipping directory contents. 77
SkippingElementWithPath Represents the event of skipping an element with a path. 78
SkippingExistingDir Represents the event of skipping an existing directory. 79
SkippingFile Represents the event of skipping a file. 80
SkippingMember Represents the event of skipping a member. 81
SkippingOnUserRequest Represents the event of skipping on user request. 84
SkippingReadText Represents the event of skipping reading text. 82
SkippingStarFieldRefFile Represents the event of skipping the export of a StarFieldRefFile. 90
SkippingUnknownObject Represents the event of skipping an unknown object. 83
StarFileMemberExport Represents the event of a member export in a StarFile. 92
StarFirstMemberExport Represents the event of the first member export in a StarFile. 91
WriteInterimRecordCount Represents the count of interim records written. 85
WriteInterimRecordCountClose Represents the event of closing after writing interim record counts. 86
WriteInterimRecordCountStall Represents the event of a stall when writing interim record counts. 87
WritingAttr Represents the event of writing an attribute. 88
WritingContent Represents the event of writing content. 89
zzzLastMsgType Represents the last message type in the enumeration. 96