Efficient Batch Dispatching Techniques

Monarch provides the program ASNA.QSys.BatchDispatch.exe (BatchDispatch) to assist in the processing of jobs scheduled to run in batch. It also provides ASNA.QSys.BatchHost.exe (BatchHost).

BatchDispatch is a console program that ‘watches’ a job queue and creates a system process to run the program stated in the job queue entry. The new process uses the console program BatchHost as the the entry point for the new job.

Read about Batch Jobs.

BatchDispatch Command Line Parameters

Start a Batch processor to execute programs on a single job queue. Command line arguments are given when invoking BatchDispatch to configure it.

These are options that can be passed in the command line:

  • q= used to specify the Job queue name. Argument is Required.
  • p= provides the Full Path to the base queues folder. Argument is Optional, defaults to the subfolder JobQueues under the user’s LocalApplicationData.
  • x= used to specify the Extension to the job que entry. Argument is Optional, defaults to .jqe.
  • s indicates a Silent run. Argument is Optional, defaults to true.

For example, the following command line

C:> C:/MOM/ASNA.QSys.BatchDispatch.exe /q=NIGHTLY -p="C:/MonarchQueues/JobQueues" 

will start BatchDispatch processing entries with the extension of .jqe found in the job queue NIGHTLY which is located in folder C:/MonarchQueues/JobQueues/NIGHTLY, BatchDispatch will not be verbose but run silentely.

appsettings.json Configuration

It is necessary to provide BatchDispatch with the directory path where the ASNA.QSys.BatchHost.exe is located, this folder path is set in the appsettings.json file as shown below:

  "BatchConfig": {
    "BatchHostPath": "C:/Path/To/The/ASNA.QSys.BatchHost/Folder/"