QSYS Expo Client Subfile Techniques

Estimated reading time: 11 minutes

DdsSubfileControl record is a bit more complex than a regular DdsRecord as explained in topic Expo Client Library.

Let’s review the page Customer Inquiry and focus our attention on the Subfile Control Record named "SFLC", as follows:

    int SFLC_SubfilePage = 20;
<DdsSubfileControl For="SFLC" StretchConstantText=false KeyNames="ENTER 'Submit'; F3 'Exit'; PageUp '◀ Page'; PageDown 'Next ▶';" SubfilePage="@SFLC_SubfilePage" CueCurrentRecord=true ClickSetsCurrentRecord=true>
    <div id="page-title">Customer Inquiry</div>
    <div Row="2">
        <DdsConstant Col="52+1+1" Text="Position to name" />
        <DdsCharField Col="63+1" For="SFLC.SETNAME" ColSpan="20" VirtualRowCol="2,70" tabIndex=1 />
    <div Row="3">
        <DdsConstant Col="4+1+3" ColSpan="15" Text="Selection" Color="DarkBlue" Underline="*True" />
        <DdsConstant Col="4+12+7+1" Text="Custno" Color="DarkBlue" Underline="*True" />
        <DdsConstant Col="4+12+14+1" Text="Customer Name" Color="DarkBlue" Underline="*True" />
        <DdsConstant Col="4+12-8+45+1" Text="City / State / Zip" Color="DarkBlue" Underline="*True" />
    <div Row="4" RowSpan="@SFLC_SubfilePage">
        @for (int rrn = 0; rrn < Model.SFLC.SFL1.Count; rrn++)
            int row = 8 + rrn;
            <DdsSubfileRecord RecordNumber="rrn" For="SFLC.SFL1">
                <div IsGridRow>
                    <DdsDecField Col="4+4" For="SFLC.SFL1[rrn].SFSEL" VirtualRowCol="@row,4" EditCode="Z" ValuesText="' ','Update','Display sales','Delivery Addresses','Create sales record','Printsales (Online)','Print sales (Batch)','Orders'" tabIndex=2 />
                    <DdsDecField Col="4+20" For="SFLC.SFL1[rrn].SFCUSTNO" VirtualRowCol="@row,7" Color="Green : !61 , DarkBlue : 61" EditCode="Z" Comment="CUSTOMER NUMBER" />
                    <DdsCharField Col="4+27" ColSpan="30" For="SFLC.SFL1[rrn].SFNAME1" Upper=true VirtualRowCol="@row,14" Color="Green : !61 , DarkBlue : 61" />
                    <DdsCharField Col="4+50" For="SFLC.SFL1[rrn].SFCSZ" Upper=true VirtualRowCol="@row,55" Color="Green : !61 , DarkBlue : 61" Comment="CITY-STATE-ZIP" />

Which renders as the image below:

Subfile under Dev Tools

Observe the Browser’s Object Inspector window to the right, which is invoked in your Browser as the Developer Tools feature.

Let’s first identify the similarities in the generated HTML, with respect to the simple DdsRecord:

  1. The Record container becomes a div with the name of the record in a data attribute named data-asna-record with the value in this case of "SFLC".
  2. Contained elements above (or below) the Subfile, are also rendered as divs with the row number as a value of the attribute data-asna-row, like "2", "3". Rows non-specified in markup are also rendered with the appropriate data-asna-row - filling the gaps - but with class=dds-grid-empty-row.
  3. If you were to open any of the div nodes with the data-asna-row attribute, you would find elements with the rendering for the DdsConstant and DdsCharField as indicated in the markup with their corresponding grid-column positioning style, following the markup’s Col TagHelper attribute.

All should be familiar if you followed Expo Client Library discussion.

After <div data-asna-row="3" class="dds-grid-row">, there is something new:

<div data-asna-row="4-23" class= ... >

The RowSpan TagHelper attribute is calculated and represented in the HTML generation as the value "4-23" meaning: from Row=4 to Row=23.

Each of the div groups contained in the div with data-asna-row="4-23" represents a Subfile record.

Where do the calculations come from ?

Let’s examine the Markup again, now in more detail.

Right before the declaration of DdsSubfileControl, we have a block of C# with the following two lines:

    int SFLC_SubfilePage = 20; // Note: legacy had 14, was later increased

These C# variables have the prefix SFLC_ which is the name of the Subfile Control record where a Subfile is defined.

The first variable comes from DDS keyword SFLPAG

0030.00     A                                      SFLPAG(0014)  

The second variable comes from the definition of the fields in the subfile. In this case all of the fields in the subfile definition are specified in the same line (or Row). It is possible to specify subfiles with more than one line (to be presented folded on the page). Think of this value as the height in Rows

<div Row="4" RowSpan="@SFLC_SubfilePage">

Applying the values and computing:

data-asna-row-to= (4 + (20 *1)) - 1 = 23

// short for 

Changing the value of SFLC_SubfilePage may require re-compilation of the Logic program. Records written to the Subfile need to match or exceed records indicated in the Markup.

Inside the div with Row RowSpan in the SubfileControl record comes the for loop, defined as follows:

@for (int rrn = 0; rrn < Model.SFLC.SFL1.Count; rrn++)
    int row = 8 + rrn;
    <DdsSubfileRecord RecordNumber="rrn" For="SFLC.SFL1">

This loop will generate SFL1.Count number of DdsSubfileRecord instances. rrn goes from zero to SFL1.Count-1, where SFL1.Count is the number of records written to the subfile when the Display Page renders.

Note: Even when the for loop for the subfile records wants to render all the records in the subfile, those that are not in the SFLC_SubfilePage range (current page displayed) are cached in the session, such that when user paginates the subfile, the client will submit an AJAX request to have the server respond with the current page’s records by consulting the session cache.

The row variable used in the for loop, may be seem odd. It starts with the line number defined in the DDS specifications as follows:

0007.00     A          R SFL1                      SFL
0009.00     A            SFCOLOR        1A  B  8  2DSPATR(ND PR)
0010.00     A            SFSEL          2Y 0B  8  4VALUES(0 2 3 5 7 9 10 11)
0014.00     A            SFCUSTNO       6Y 0O  8  7TEXT('CUSTOMER NUMBER')
0019.00     A            SFNAME1   R        O  8 14REFFLD(CMNAME)
0023.00     A            SFCSZ         25   O  8 55TEXT('CITY-STATE-ZIP')

Some lines with DDS keyword removed for clarity.

The fields SFCOLOR, SFSEL, SFCUSTNO, SFNAME1 and SFCSZ are all specified in line 8 (positions 2, 4, 7, 14 and 55) respectively.

The use of row is to compute the value for VirtualRowCol TagHelper attribute that will be used as a feedback information when the page is posted to the server.

Lastly, for each round in the loop, the following Markup generates a record in the subfile:

<DdsSubfileRecord RecordNumber="rrn" For="SFLC.SFL1">
    <div IsGridRow>
        <DdsDecField Col="4+4" For="SFLC.SFL1[rrn].SFSEL" VirtualRowCol="@row,4" EditCode="Z" ValuesText="' ','Update','Display sales','Delivery Addresses','Create sales record','Printsales (Online)','Print sales (Batch)','Orders'" tabIndex=2 />
        <DdsDecField Col="4+20" For="SFLC.SFL1[rrn].SFCUSTNO" VirtualRowCol="@row,7" Color="Green : !61 , DarkBlue : 61" EditCode="Z" Comment="CUSTOMER NUMBER" />
        <DdsCharField Col="4+27" ColSpan="30" For="SFLC.SFL1[rrn].SFNAME1" Upper=true VirtualRowCol="@row,14" Color="Green : !61 , DarkBlue : 61" />
        <DdsCharField Col="4+50" For="SFLC.SFL1[rrn].SFCSZ" Upper=true VirtualRowCol="@row,55" Color="Green : !61 , DarkBlue : 61" Comment="CITY-STATE-ZIP" />

Note: Field SFCOLOR is a no-display (“ND” code in DSPATR keyword). Hidden or no-display fields are not included in the markup (only in the Model).

Four fields (some decimal and others alpha) are included in the HTML generation for a GridRow. If more than one rows per records exists (possibly to implement drop/fold feature), the migration produces a new C# variable SFLC_SubfileRowsPerRecord. If this is the case, then there would be more div containers with the IsGridRow TagHelper, one per row-in-the-record.

Let’s examine the HTML produced for the first record in the subfile (rrn=0):

    <div class="dds-grid-row dds-row-no-gap"> 
        <select name="SFLC.SFL1[0].SFSEL" tabindex="2" data-asna-rowcol="8,4" style="grid-column: 1 / 16;">
            <option value="0"></option>
            <option value="2">Update</option>
            <option value="3">Display sales</option>
            <option value="5">Delivery Addresses</option>
            <option value="7">Create sales record</option>
            <option value="9">Printsales (Online)</option>
            <option value="10">Print sales (Batch)</option>
            <option value="11">Orders</option>
        <span class="dds-dec-field-alignment" data-asna-rowcol="8,7" style="grid-area: 1 / 17 / auto / 23; color: green;"> 64000</span> 
        <span data-asna-rowcol="8,14" style="grid-area: 1 / 24 / auto / 54; color: green;">Advantage Ranch Manufacturing Inc </span> 
        <span data-asna-rowcol="8,55" style="grid-area: 1 / 47 / auto / 72; color: green;">Somersworth, TX 03878 </span> 
    <input type="hidden" name="SFLC.SFL1.Index" value="0"> 
    <input type="hidden" name="SFLC.SFL1[0]._RecordNumber" value="0">

Each subfile record is rendered as an HTML div element that contains:

  1. One or more div container(s) that represents one or more Row(s): one-line CSS Grid Layout, just like any Row in non-subfile Rows did, identified by the class=”dds-grid-row”.
  2. Some hidden QSys.Expo-internal elements used for paging. (Please 💡 Do not remove these elements when executing user-defined JavaScript code on the page).

Note the use of an extra CSS dds-row-no-gap style in the class attribute. It is used to render subfile records very close together vertically (to improve look).

One last consideration. The markup VirtualRowCol became the data attribute data-asna-rowcol, with values, like:

For rrn = 0


For rrn = 1


To rrn = 19


These values are reported as part of the feedback information when the Page posts, to be processed as the legacy cursor location, if input elements were the last with focus when the Page was posted.

Note that 27 is a value outside the legacy terminal values, this happens because the original SubfilePage of 14 was increased during Modernization. The Business Logic program looking at the feedback cursor information should be tested with these larger values. (Original PageSize would produce the last subfile record at 8+14-1 = 21 which is in range of a 24 line Terminal size).