Essential Developer Tools for Monarch Apps

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

There are processes in Application development where trivial repetitive segments of code are need to be produced or maintained in sync with external resources. For the purposes of the contents of this chapter, we will call these segments boilerplate code.

Boilerplate code is often hidden from the view and made part of the syntax in Special Purpose programming languages such as RPG.

When a migration results in classes written in C#, which is a General Purpose Programming Language, these Boilerplate code segments become explicit and visible.

One technique to Encapsulate Boilerplate code in General Purpose Object-Oriented Programming Languages is to allow a class definition to be split into multiple files, separating the Application code from Boilerplate code. C# allows such technique with the language support for Partial classes. Other terms given to this technique are: “Code behind” and “Code besides”.

Each QSys Program is architected to have two files of Code besides, namely:

Source file Extension Description Usage
.cs Application Program C# code. User code.
.io.xfu External File Usage metadata in XML format Initially generated. User maintained as changes are made.
.io.cs Partial C# class with External File’s Boilerplate Code. Tool-generated (from cache and xfu file).

The Monarch Base Dev Tool also produces a cache folder that contains External File Definitions for all the database, printer and display page files used by all the programs in a particular Project. This folder has hidden attributes to keep the folder structure simple for the Application developer.

Integration with Visual Studio® 2019

Visual Studio® 2019 Projects have a collection of files, where each file can have associated properties.

Typically, .cs C# source files will have:

Property Value
Build Action C# Compiler
Copy to Output Directory Do not copy
Custom Tool (blank)

.io.xfu source files are set to have:

Property Value
Build Action None
Copy to Output Directory Do not copy
Custom Tool AdgFileUsageGenerator

When a C# Project is built, the different source files are checked for changes. When source file changes, the actions and/or Custom Tools associated with each file run.

Additionally, Visual Studio is tracking changes for files with a Custom Tool. As soon as the changes are saved, the Custom Tool runs.

Sometimes it is desirable to force run the Custom Tool on files that have such association. For example, when user-interface fields are added to a Model (controlling a Display Page), the developer should make sure that the new fields are part of the communication DataSet, such that the program using a Workstation file for the Display Page can read and write the new fields. After making changes to the Model’s properties (for those decorated with DataSet field attributes), the application developer should force run the Custom Tool on any Program using the Display Page, by selecting the xfu file, invoking the context Menu (right-click menu) and run the option : “Run Custom Tool”. Doing so, will generate a new implementation for the I/O partial class with the proper C# field/type definitions.

AdgFileUsageGenerator (ASNA.DataGate.FileUsageGenerator.dll)

The AdgFileUsageGenerator custom tool takes as input:

  1. The .io.xfu XML specification - Program file references (workstation, database and printfile), Data Structures (based on file fields) and their field declaration directives.
  2. External Database Definition cache (for any files referred to by .io.xfu).
  3. Display Page Model field definitions expressed as C# properties - with particular field decoration attributes - (for all the workstation files referred to by .io.xfu).

To parse the Display Page C# Model classes, ASNA AdgFileUsageGenerator uses another internal Tool named ModelToWrf (described below).

The AdgFileUsageGenerator custom tool produces as output: The .io.cs C# partial class, containing:

  1. External field declarations as C# Fixed Types.
  2. An explicit copy of the bytes representing the Record format ID for all files to be used by the Open method to implement run-time Level checking.
  3. Implementation of methods for every file to populate fields in/out of the shared DataSet.

Please abstain from adding user-code to the partial class directly. You may loose your changes.

“Refresh XFU” Visual Studio context menu option.

The .io.xfu file associated with the QSys Program Application source, is initially generated when the Migration process that generated the C# code.

The purpose of .io.xfu is to:

  1. List all references to all externally described files use by the program (workstation, database and printfiles).
  2. Provide a means to the Developer to specify Directives on all records for all the files, to drive the generation of QSys Program partial class.

This XML file is also the selection node for Visual Studio 2019 to show the context menu, that will give the Developer access to the two Tools.

ASNA.QSys runtime support will throw an exception when attempting to open files that had their schema out-of-sync with respect to the current partial class I/O implementation.

ModelToWrf Tool (ASNA.ModelToWrf.dll)

Although an internal tool (used by AdgFileUsageGenerator), it may be useful to understand that when a Model is compiled into an .NET assembly, it can be loaded and its public declarations can be discovered using reflection.

The importance of this fact is to understand that Model field definitions need to be complete and the C# compiler can be used as verifier. Do not attempt to run .io.xfu Custom Tool on programs using workstation files, whose Page Model is incomplete or produces syntax errors.